A field experiment was conducted during the main cropping season of 2014 at Koba, North
Eastern Ethiopia, to investigate the effects of seedling age and transplanting date on the yield
and yield components ofte.ff A ...
Food barley and lupine are food crops often traditionally grown in intercropping in north western
Ethiopia. But, there is no any documented information about the optimum seeding rate and time of
lupine intercropping with ...
Two sets of experiments were conducted at Adet and Burie in 2011 main cropping season
with the aim of comparing the traditional sowing practice (broadcasting) with drill method of
sowing, and of determining the effect ...
Field and laboratory experiments were conducted at Adet and Finoteselam research stations
and Bahir Dar seed laboratory in 2014 to evaluate the effects of seed priming and coating on
vigor, emergence, yield, yield related ...
In Ethiopia, bread wheat is one of the most important strategic cereal crops. Ethiopian
government is putting a great effort to increase productivity and production of bread
wheat using irrigation to narrow the gap between ...
Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek), is a recently introduced grain legume crop with
multiple uses for food, fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, source of animal feed and income for
small holder farmers in Ethiopia ...
The ever-increasing human population together with shortage of arable land is the current
developmental challenge for developing countries including Ethiopia. So that, intercropping
becoming an alternative agronomic ...
Barley is one of the most important multipurpose crops in Ethiopia. However, its productivity
and quality in Ethiopia is mainly constrained by soil fertility problems, inadequate
availability and use of inputs such as ...
Soybean is the most important leguminous crop in Ethiopia. However, its national
productivity particularly in the Northwest Ethiopia is lower than that of worlds’ productivity
due to lack of appropriate agronomic ...
The majority of farmers in Ethiopia have limited knowledge about balanced nutrients and
integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers with lime on acid soils. Field experiment was
conducted by irrigation in 2020 ...
Maize is one of the primary staple food crops in Ethiopia. However, its productivity in the study area in Mecha District is still low mainly due to soil acidity and fertility depletion. Therefore, a field experiment was ...
Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops of the world and is a staple food for about one third of the world’s population. Wheat production of Ethiopian the mean national yield of 0.27 t. ha-1 is 24% below than mean ...
Tef production and demand is highly increasing because of its significance role for human nutrition. However, its production and productivity becomes low in Ethiopia. The major reasons for low production and productivity ...
Shortage of crop land is becoming the critical constraint for crop production and
diversification in areas like Dera District where human population is increasing ever.
Intercropping is one of the methods used for ...
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) is an important food crop in North west Ethiopia mainly in South Gonder Zone. However, its productivity is very low which is attributed to poor agronomic practices like in-appropriate ...
s and multi-locations to come up with concrete and workable recommendations. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most widely grown food security crops in Farta District. However, production and productivity of the ...
Haricot bean is one of the most economically important pulse crops cultivated in Ethiopia as well
as in Amhara region. However, its average yield reported at national and regional level remains
far below the potential ...
There was immense potential for producing malt barley in Ethiopia. However, its production is limited due to multiple constraints, such as poor soil fertility, low pH and inappropriate seeding rate. Hence, an experiment ...
Increasing the demand and its productivity of lowland rice in Fogera Plain of Ethiopia is crucial. The productivity of lowland rice in Fogera Plain is however low mainly due to poor soil nitrogen management systems. One ...
Intercropping is an old and commonly used agricultural cropping practice, of cultivating two or
more crops in the same space at the same time. A field experiment was conducted to determine
the different row arrangement ...