Barley is one of the most important multipurpose crops in Ethiopia. However, its productivity
and quality in Ethiopia is mainly constrained by soil fertility problems, inadequate
availability and use of inputs such as fertilizers, lack of high quality and high-yielding
varieties and poor agronomic practices. An experiment on malt barley was conducted in
Farat District during the main rainy season of 2020/2021. The objective of experiment was to
determine the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate and its appropriate time of application for
maximum production and better quality of malt barely varieties. The treatments consisted of
three N rates (34.5, 69 and 103.5 kg N ha
, three times of N fertilizer applications: T1 (2/3 at
sowing + 1/3 at mid- tillering), T2 (1/3 at sowing +2/3 at mid-tillering), T3 (1/3 at sowing
+1/3 at mid- tillering + 1/3 at anthesis)and two malt barley varieties (Holker and IBON
174/03), a total of 18 treatments were evaluated in factorial arrangement using Randomized
Completely Block Design with three replications. All necessary data were collected properly
and subjected to analysis of variance using SAS 9.0 version and mean separation for
significant treatments was done by LSD. The result of the study showed that most of the traits
studied were significantly affected by the main and interaction effects. Above ground biomass
and grain yield were significantly affected by the combined effect of variety with nitrogen rate
and N rate with its time of application. The total protein content was significantly influenced
by the interaction of variety with rate of nitrogen and variety with time of N application.
Generally, the highest grain yield (4.26 t ha
) was obtained when (69 Kg N ha
)was applied
with two splits 1/3 at sowing + 2/3 at mid-tillering. The protein content recorded on this
treatment combination was within the acceptable range for malting purpose. The partial
budget analysis showed that the maximum net return ETB 82,627.50 with acceptable MRR
(1824.20%) was obtained from this treatment combination. Therefore, application of 69 kg N
with two splits 1/3 at sowing + 2/3 at mid-tillering is recommended for Farat District and
similar agro ecologies. Since the current study was conducted in a single location and only
one year, it is better to repeat this experiment on multi-locations and over seasons to come up
with reliable recommendation.