ow production and productivity, which is mainly associated <l'ilb poor adoption of improved
technologie» are among ,;le....[!ili}or problems u.f Ethiopian <1xriculture .tncrrasing a~r1cut.'iJr'd
productivii» and bence ...
Ethiopia's plantation forests are expanding overtime, offering diverse ecosystem services that support
people's welfare. In the Awi Highlands of North-western Ethiopia, Acacia decurrens plantations are the
prevalent ...
1e tuhiopian highlands, home 10 more them 50 million people who depend 011 rain-fed
subsistence agriculture, have 011e of tlte. mos/ degraded lands in the world. /11 response.
governments arul other agents have been ...
The main aim of this thesis is to reconstruct the administrative history of Semén Awrajja from
1941-1974. By using archival, oral and written secondary sources, the thesis gives an analysis of
the new administrative ...
The problem of food shortage in developing countries could be overcome through The use of a variety of modern agricultural technologies like improved storage systems, seeds, fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, and ...
As ill most parts of Ethiopia, soil degradation has posed a serious clwlfenge to the productivity
·· ofagriculture in the higlt rainfall areas <>/De.bub Achefe» Woreda ofthe Amhara Regional State.
Crop productivity in ...
The Abbay Valley of Machakäl Wäräda located in East Gojjam Administrative Zone and its
environs is a typical example of hot (qolla) zone of the Ethiopian agro-climatic zones. The area,
which was thinly populated, now is ...
Land suitability evaluation is the base for Iand use planning and land management to
enhance the sustainable LL"'>c or land resources. Suitability evaluntion for tcf maize and grass
pea cultivation in r:.iinfed agriculture ...