The problem of food shortage in developing countries could be overcome through The use of a variety of modern agricultural technologies like improved storage systems, seeds, fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, and agricultural machinery. the general objective of the study the Adoption & contribution of post-harvest storage technology for women farmers in Dangila and Merawi woreda in the case of Dengeshita and Kudmi West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region. Concurrent mixed methods research design was employed. Quantitative data were collected from 251 sampled maize producer women farmers using survey questionnaires; purposive and systematic random sampling techniques were employed to select samples from two kebeles. Qualitative data were collected from four key informants and twenty-four/24/ focus group discussants and the data were analyzed thematically. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data. Maize producer women farmers were stratified as a user and non-user groups. Binary logistic regression model was employed to determine the factors after the adoption of post-harvest storage technology for maize producing women farmers. The result of the binary logistic regression model showed that as income from maize, training access, availability of technology, accessibility of technology and gender stereotype were significant predictors while, marital status, family size, education level of women, land size, and credit access were insignificant predictor to post-harvest storage technology for maize producer women farmers. The findings of the qualitative study indicate that minimizing loss, saving time and labor, reducing expenditure, and increase income are benefits of using PHST. Finally, the researcher recommended that agricultural technologies like PICS and metal silo should be available and accessible to maize producer women farmers, as well as the concerned bodies, should work together in providing awareness-raising, training Gender responsive agricultural technologies should be given attention to enhance the contribution of PHST for