This study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of single parenting on female adolescents’ self-esteem with particular reference to Belay Zeleke sub-city in Bahir Dar city. In so doing, it posed four research questions ...
The main purpose of this research was to understand the lived experience of women hydro
massage therapist in the case of Addis Ababa, particularly in bole and yeka sub cities
administration through qualitative phenomenology ...
Pastoralist women invariably engaged in triple gender roles but their growing recognition as a
valuable and sustainable livelihood manager remained marginalized. Hence, the issues of
pastoralist women become a matter ...
War rape becomes consistent aspect of political and conflict related violence. Globally including Africa, women and girls were raped and victimized by the group of militaries or soldiers. Ethiopia also faced conflict on ...
The main aim of the study is to recognize the challenges and opportunities of women working in weaving cultural clothes specifically at kebele 14 in Bahir-dar city. The study employed a qualitative research method and used ...
This study explores the lived experience of smallholder female headed households residing in the fogera woreda. Smallholder female headed households are women who practice activities like farming, livestock production and ...
The current Ethiopian food security programs have started to operate in 2005 in order to bring stabled
food security by ending the cycle of dependency on food aid. Due to gender based inequality, female
headed households ...
This study aims to explore the challenges and coping strategies women leaders: the case of
women leaders in Amhara national regional state government organizations. Key research
questions that guided the study were: ...
Many women in low- and middle-income countries face the challenges of inaccessibility of
obstetric care in rural and urban areas including facility birth by skilled birth attendants which
contributes to maternal and ...
Azmari has been a long presented tradition throughout the history of Ethiopia. However, little
attention has been given about their lived experiences though their poems are widely circulated
in the society. To fill this ...
This study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of single parenting on female adolescents’ self-esteem with particular reference to Belay Zeleke sub-city in Bahir Dar city. In so doing, it posed four research questions ...
The main purpose of this research was to understand the lived experience of women hydro
massage therapist in the case of Addis Ababa, particularly in bole and yeka sub cities
administration through qualitative phenomenology ...
Pastoralist women invariably engaged in triple gender roles but their growing recognition as a
valuable and sustainable livelihood manager remained marginalized. Hence, the issues of
pastoralist women become a matter ...
War rape becomes consistent aspect of political and conflict related violence. Globally including Africa, women and girls were raped and victimized by the group of militaries or soldiers. Ethiopia also faced conflict on ...
The main aim of the study is to recognize the challenges and opportunities of women working in weaving cultural clothes specifically at kebele 14 in Bahir-dar city. The study employed a qualitative research method and used ...
This study explores the lived experience of smallholder female headed households residing in the fogera woreda. Smallholder female headed households are women who practice activities like farming, livestock production and ...
The current Ethiopian food security programs have started to operate in 2005 in order to bring stabled
food security by ending the cycle of dependency on food aid. Due to gender based inequality, female
headed households ...
This study aims to explore the challenges and coping strategies women leaders: the case of
women leaders in Amhara national regional state government organizations. Key research
questions that guided the study were: ...
Many women in low- and middle-income countries face the challenges of inaccessibility of
obstetric care in rural and urban areas including facility birth by skilled birth attendants which
contributes to maternal and ...
Azmari has been a long presented tradition throughout the history of Ethiopia. However, little
attention has been given about their lived experiences though their poems are widely circulated
in the society. To fill this ...
Polygamy in this research is defined as a marital relationship where a man marries more than
one wife; though there are other two forms of polygamy. In ancient human societies, polygamy
had been practiced almost all over ...
Divorce is a legal process by which legally or situational coupled spouses legally dissolve their
marriage, in which spouses are required to bear a bit with to think and rethink over the
initiation of the divorce process. ...
Ethiopia has been practicing various traditional arbitration systems for many centuries used as
conflict resolution mechanisms for maintaining social solidarity and strengthening
communities. This practice has also been ...
The problem of food shortage in developing countries could be overcome through The use of a variety of modern agricultural technologies like improved storage systems, seeds, fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, and ...
Poverty is a widespread problem that affects many people in the world. The majority of the poor in developed and developing worlds are women, who are as many as 70 percent of the world’s poor. The study examines the ...
The purpose of this study is to understand the causes, challenges and opportunities of women informal clothe vendors in Bahir Dar City. To meet the objectives of the study, the researcher used qualitative research approach ...
Ethiopia is a country known for its rich on folklore genres. Proverbs are the most
widely and commonly used in transfer knowledge generation to generation Among such
oral arts, the Amharic proverbs have been facilitating ...
This study aimed to assess factors that affected women‟s participation in environmental management in Womberma woreda, Amhara National Regional State. The study used mixed research approach. Concurrent parallel research ...
Household consumption expenditure is required to meet basic needs such as food, clothing,
housing, transport, health etc to accomplish the day to day life and also for existence. Therefore,
considering the female population, ...
Informal sector plays an important role in reducing urban unemployment. In developing countries like Ethiopia, the informal sector absorbs the majority of the urban unemployed growing labor force. Therefore, this study was ...