Household consumption expenditure is required to meet basic needs such as food, clothing,
housing, transport, health etc to accomplish the day to day life and also for existence. Therefore,
considering the female population, it is interested to find the status of female headed household
expenditure. The gender gap is the existence phenomena in many issues; therefore, this makes
attention to study the gender gap in the case of consumption expenditure and to draw lessons.
The objectives of this research were to examine the patterns of household consumption
expenditure and identify the determinants of female headed household consumption in the case
of Sekela Woreda, in the Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. The study used secondary
data which is cross-sectional and collected from the Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency. It
employed the quantitative approach and causal comparative design under positivism paradigm.
It also used the multiple linear regression model, independent t-test and ANOVA tests. In this
study two hundred thirty four households were included. The study engaged the multiple linear
regression model to assess the determinants of the female headed household consumption
expenditure using STATA 13. The result revealed that the existence of group variation between
mean of household consumption expenditure. This variation is also extends to rural and urban
dwellers. The result indicates that the mean consumption expenditure score of those female
headed households was 31,801 ETB which is lower than male headed households by 19,446
ETB. The mean difference of the true population between female and male headed households
was 8,597ETB per year. From the determinants; the annual quantity (P-value=0.000), other
household expenditure (P-value=0.000), source (p-value=0.001), sex (p-value=0.000), size of
the household (p-value=0.005) and place of residence (p-value=0.000) are significantly affected
the household consumption expenditure at 1% significance level. Of, these the annual quantity
took the highest level to influence the consumption expenditure. The income expenditure gap was
also wide-ranging between female and male regarding with in the rural areas. This event applies
negative consequence on consumption to meet the demand of households and also saving which
have a negative influence on future investment. Hence, the government should give attention
towards improving the existing difference and the female headed households should be
considered in livelihood issues (income generating activities), family size planning, and supply
infrastructures to minimize unnecessary expenditures (transport, health centers...).
Keywords: Household, Multiple Linear Regression Model, Household consumption ex