This study aimed to assess factors that affected women‟s participation in environmental management in Womberma woreda, Amhara National Regional State. The study used mixed research approach. Concurrent parallel research design was employed for data collection and data analysis. The survey questionnaires were used to collect data from 210 sample women selected using simple random sampling technique from two kebeles of the study area. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for the study. Survey questionnaire, key informants interview,and focus group discussion were data collection instruments. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The binary logistics regression model was employed to analyze the factors that affected women‟s participation in ERM in the study area. The result of the binary logistics regression model showed that age was significant and positively and negatively associated with the probability of women„s participation. Women in male- headed households were found to have high probability of participation than women in female-headed households. Education level of household head was found statistically significant which showed that literate household heads also had greater participation than illiterate household heads. Land size, engagement in on-farm activity, and access to training were statistically significant predicted variables for the dependent variable- women„s participation in ERM, While family size,livestock size, and off-farm activity engagement were found insignificant predictors for the dependant variable. The study also indicated that domestic work,ignorance,social status, men‟s control of resources and lack of income were major constraints for fair participation of women in ERM to partcipate in tree planting and cleaning the environment. Finally, the study recommended that the intervention of government and other stakeholder organizations is required in the area to create empowered and actively engaged women who are responsible for the proper management of the different scarce resources.