The Abbay Valley of Machakäl Wäräda located in East Gojjam Administrative Zone and its
environs is a typical example of hot (qolla) zone of the Ethiopian agro-climatic zones. The area,
which was thinly populated, now is characterized by relatively high new settlement pattern and
density which accompanied by high livestock population, high degree of deforestation and land
degradation.However,this historical reality has not been well studied in detailed.Thus this thesis
tried to show mainly about the real aspects of valley areas, the reduction of agricultural yields
those disasters means of earning money,to maintain their living standard and struggle for the
This thesis basically explores the nature, pattern and consequences of human settlement and
agriculture, including killer diseases, particularly, malaria in the Abbay Valley of Machakäl
Wäräda between 1941 and 2000s.The area has been important for the benefit it has had in terms
of economic, political, and social spheres for centuries past. Though recent, the peoples in the
area are playing important role in the political economy of the region. However, despite such
significance, the agrarian history of the valley area has not yet well studied and explored. Thus,
the objective of this thesis is to show the nature and pattern of agriculture, human settlement and
disease since the restoration of imperial Ethiopia in 1941.
In this regard, I have used both published and unpublished materials.This description of systems
will be depending on quantitative and qualitative method.A way of particular doing qualitative
data will be taken by interview and archive documents.For archives,I have benefited from
National Archives and Library Agency, the Archive Section of Däbrä Markos University,
Machakȁl and Däbrä Elias Wäräda offices.In parallel manner,I have made interviews in Däbrä
Markos, Machakäl and Däbrä Elias areas that are parts of Abbay Valley.While remote sensed
information will be brought together by quantitative data.The researcher conducted remote
sensed data narrate the change of land cover,in a specific place.Moreover,to analize human
thought on agriculture,population settlement and disease,to find out the ways in which category
of human attitude associate to the eagerness of practice that hurted agric