Women are over half of the world's population, they contribute a significant amount to the world's
r:?productive force, participate in the growth and wellbeing of their society and yet are not equally
benefiting from the fruits of their efforts nor are they enjoying their rights and life's opportunities in
equal terms with men. Much concern has been shown in recentyears with regard to improving the status
of women and ensuring equality of rural women. The diversity of the cultural and socio economic
contexts make gender equality studies at community level mandatory in order to achieve development
gouls as well as ensure justice in resource distribution and creation of opportunities for men and women .
The study was conducted using descriptive study design. The total sample size of the study was 435
respondents from 4 kebeles of Alamota Woreda. After the representative sample size is determined using
questions of what the current situation of sexual division of labor is, the current situation of access to and
control over productive resources and opportunities by women as\ compared to men, attitude of
community members on issues of women's and men's equality and the influencing factors that affect the
sexual division of labor and access to and control over resources and opportunities by women in the
This being the fact, there is a gap in current studies showing the status of gender equality in different
communities. This study attempts to assess and analyze the level of gender equality in one of the rural
woredas of Ethiopia.
Taro Yemane (1967:886) formula, simple random sampling and proportionate sampling techniques were
._ used to select the sample from the source population. The data collection was done through questionnaire
for quantitative survey, checklist for focus group discussion of the 'qualitative information and document.
After the data has been collected it's analyzed supporting with tables and figures.
The findings of the study shows that the current situation of sexual division of labor is one that puts much
of the burden on women, gives them less exposure to their environment than men and makes them to be
economically dependent on men. Finding also shows that women generally have less access and control
to the major household assets. The study also revealed that there is progress towards women's control
over land and community attitude towards women's equality in access to, control over resources and
The purpose of the study was to examine the status of Gender Equality in Alamata Woreda Tigray
Regional State of Ethiopia. Standing from this objective, the study attempted to answer the basi