Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the cerial crops in both area coverage and production in Ethiopia; however, its productivity is still lower due to absence of adapted varieties. Hence, a study on genetic ...
Faba bean is one of the legume crops used for food, feed and soil fertility improvement. Assessing genetic variability is very important step for the improvement of yield and related traits in faba bean breeding programs. ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the major staple crops grown in North West
Amhara National Regional State; however, its productivity is low due to an increase in soil
acidity and poor soil fertility problems. ...
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most economically important cereal crops
cultivated in north west Ethiopia. However ,appropriate seeding and nitrogen fertilizer rate
have been among the most limiting ...
Maize is a staple food crop for small holder farmers in Northwestern part of Ethiopia. Cultivation of QPM provides an opportunity to farmers to produce nutritionally superior maize grains and fill nutrition gaps for those ...
In Ethiopia, chickpea production was limited due to both biotic and a biotic factors. Biotic factors
such as diseases; root diseases and foliar diseases and insect pests mainly Helicoverpa armigera
Hübner and C.chinensis ...
Onion is a common and widely used spice crop all over the world. It is a semi-perishable
vegetable, and in many underdeveloped countries, like Ethiopia, poor agricultural and
postharvest practices resulted in increased ...
Sorghum production is highly constrained by post flowering drought stress. The field
experiment was executed in Efratana Gidim district during 2022 under irrigation. The
experiment was laid out using alpha lattice design ...
Information on genetic variability, interrelationships between agronomic traits, and disease
resistance of genotypes is prerequisite for further bread wheat improvement. Therefore, one
hundred fifty bread wheat genotypes ...
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is the queen of oil crops grown globally due to its nutritional,
industrial and economical values.To increase sesame productivity in our country improved
variety is a mandate for plant breeder.The ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the cerial crops in both area coverage and production in Ethiopia; however, its productivity is still lower due to absence of adapted varieties. Hence, a study on genetic ...
Faba bean is one of the legume crops used for food, feed and soil fertility improvement. Assessing genetic variability is very important step for the improvement of yield and related traits in faba bean breeding programs. ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the major staple crops grown in North West
Amhara National Regional State; however, its productivity is low due to an increase in soil
acidity and poor soil fertility problems. ...
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most economically important cereal crops
cultivated in north west Ethiopia. However ,appropriate seeding and nitrogen fertilizer rate
have been among the most limiting ...
Maize is a staple food crop for small holder farmers in Northwestern part of Ethiopia. Cultivation of QPM provides an opportunity to farmers to produce nutritionally superior maize grains and fill nutrition gaps for those ...
In Ethiopia, chickpea production was limited due to both biotic and a biotic factors. Biotic factors
such as diseases; root diseases and foliar diseases and insect pests mainly Helicoverpa armigera
Hübner and C.chinensis ...
Onion is a common and widely used spice crop all over the world. It is a semi-perishable
vegetable, and in many underdeveloped countries, like Ethiopia, poor agricultural and
postharvest practices resulted in increased ...
Sorghum production is highly constrained by post flowering drought stress. The field
experiment was executed in Efratana Gidim district during 2022 under irrigation. The
experiment was laid out using alpha lattice design ...
Information on genetic variability, interrelationships between agronomic traits, and disease
resistance of genotypes is prerequisite for further bread wheat improvement. Therefore, one
hundred fifty bread wheat genotypes ...
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is the queen of oil crops grown globally due to its nutritional,
industrial and economical values.To increase sesame productivity in our country improved
variety is a mandate for plant breeder.The ...
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is the king of cereal crops in the arid and semiarid
tropics, where drought is a recurrent problem affecting crop production because of erratic
amount and distribution of rainfall. ...
Intercropping of cereals with legumes is an important strategy for the development of
sustainable crop production systems, because of yield advantages, greater yield stability and
lower risks of crop failure that are ...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is increasingly becoming an important food crop in Ethiopia.
However, the average rice productivity in Ethiopia is estimated at 2.8 t ha
which is much
lower than the world average, 4.6 t ha-
Characterization and evaluation of landraces is a key step in finding reliable traits. Although the
barley collection in Ethiopia is increasing in number, the accessions collected lack effective
characterization and ...
Rice is staple food for more than half of the world population and relatively new strategic
crop to ensure food security in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, more than 3336 genotypes were
imported from different countries and time, ...
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the major pulse crop grown in the highlands of Ethiopia but it
yield has been reduces due chocolate spot disease infestation. This study was conducted at dabat
district in 2020 cropping ...
Storage of rice is affected by various types of post-harvest pests like rice weevil, lesser grain
borer, and other insect pests. An assessment was conducted to assess the status of storage insect
pests of rice and an ...
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the major pulse crops grown in the highlands of Ethiopia buttheir yields are reduced by chocolate spot disease problem. This study was conducted at Simada district in 2021 cropping season ...
Bread wheat is one of the most important cereal crops grown in different parts of Ethiopia.
However, its average productivity in the country is low (3046 kg/ha) as compared to its
yield potential in the world (3500 ...
Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a major insect pest constraining onion production in the North Eastern Ethiopia. Therefore, field experiment was conducted at Gedo Ber small-scale irrigation scheme ...