Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the cerial crops in both area coverage and production in Ethiopia; however, its productivity is still lower due to absence of adapted varieties. Hence, a study on genetic ...
Faba bean is one of the legume crops used for food, feed and soil fertility improvement. Assessing genetic variability is very important step for the improvement of yield and related traits in faba bean breeding programs. ...
Ethiopia is one of the developing countries in which agriculture is the primary source of its
economy. Being dependent mainly on rainfall, this sector has been adversely affected by
climate change and variability.The ...
Crop diversification is believed to be essential for reducing risk. This study
investigated the extent and determinant factors that affect farmers’ decision for crop
diversification in Kutaber District characterized by ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the major staple crops grown in North West
Amhara National Regional State; however, its productivity is low due to an increase in soil
acidity and poor soil fertility problems. ...
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most economically important cereal crops
cultivated in north west Ethiopia. However ,appropriate seeding and nitrogen fertilizer rate
have been among the most limiting ...
Maize is a staple food crop for small holder farmers in Northwestern part of Ethiopia. Cultivation of QPM provides an opportunity to farmers to produce nutritionally superior maize grains and fill nutrition gaps for those ...
Koga Irrigation Scheme is one of the potential watermelon producing areas in Ethiopia. However, the average yield of watermelon is low due to inappropriate sowing date and poor agronomic practice like vine pruning. Therefore, ...
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important cash and food crop in Ethiopia. However, the
yield of the crop is constrained by a number of factors. Among the constraints, the use of
inappropriate seed tuber size and ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the cerial crops in both area coverage and production in Ethiopia; however, its productivity is still lower due to absence of adapted varieties. Hence, a study on genetic ...
Faba bean is one of the legume crops used for food, feed and soil fertility improvement. Assessing genetic variability is very important step for the improvement of yield and related traits in faba bean breeding programs. ...
Ethiopia is one of the developing countries in which agriculture is the primary source of its
economy. Being dependent mainly on rainfall, this sector has been adversely affected by
climate change and variability.The ...
Crop diversification is believed to be essential for reducing risk. This study
investigated the extent and determinant factors that affect farmers’ decision for crop
diversification in Kutaber District characterized by ...
Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is one of the major staple crops grown in North West
Amhara National Regional State; however, its productivity is low due to an increase in soil
acidity and poor soil fertility problems. ...
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most economically important cereal crops
cultivated in north west Ethiopia. However ,appropriate seeding and nitrogen fertilizer rate
have been among the most limiting ...
Maize is a staple food crop for small holder farmers in Northwestern part of Ethiopia. Cultivation of QPM provides an opportunity to farmers to produce nutritionally superior maize grains and fill nutrition gaps for those ...
Koga Irrigation Scheme is one of the potential watermelon producing areas in Ethiopia. However, the average yield of watermelon is low due to inappropriate sowing date and poor agronomic practice like vine pruning. Therefore, ...
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important cash and food crop in Ethiopia. However, the
yield of the crop is constrained by a number of factors. Among the constraints, the use of
inappropriate seed tuber size and ...
Orange fleshed sweet potato is an important food and nutrition security crop in Ethiopia. However, its
productivity is low (8 t ha
) due to the use of low-yielding variety and inappropriate plant spacing., a
field ...
One of the numerous factors contributing to soil degradation, both chemically and physically, has long been thought to be land use change. This study was conducted to analyze land use/cover change over 31 years (from 1990 ...
A field experiment was conducted on the Vertisols of Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center (DZARC) and Chefe Donsa experimental sites, central highlands of Ethiopia to evaluate the effects of nutrient omission on yield ...
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill) of the family Solanaceae, is one of the most important vegetable crops in Ethiopia. Even though, production and productivity of the crop is far below the world average, which is ...
The potential of the land or its productivity has deteriorated from time to time due to run off,
topographic variations, slope of the land, intensive cultivation, farming on steep slopes and
deforestation. This study ...
Climate variability poses a significant threat to many sectors of the economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Agriculture is one of the most climate-sensitive sectors as it relies on rain-fed agriculture. Therefore this study ...
Garlic is the second most widely grown bulb crop next to the onion. It is an important cash
crop with wider agro-ecological adaptation. However, its productivity is constrained by
several factors. Among these, the use ...
In Ethiopia, chickpea production was limited due to both biotic and a biotic factors. Biotic factors
such as diseases; root diseases and foliar diseases and insect pests mainly Helicoverpa armigera
Hübner and C.chinensis ...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) stocks are essential for climate change
mitigation and agricultural production. The study was conducted in 2022 to evaluate SOC and
TN stocks variation under different ...
To determine the soil's primary potentials and constraints, soil characterization and
pedological classification are crucial. However, much of Ethiopia’s documented soil
information is scanty and inadequate relative to ...