Koga Irrigation Scheme is one of the potential watermelon producing areas in Ethiopia. However, the average yield of watermelon is low due to inappropriate sowing date and poor agronomic practice like vine pruning. Therefore, ...
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important cash and food crop in Ethiopia. However, the
yield of the crop is constrained by a number of factors. Among the constraints, the use of
inappropriate seed tuber size and ...
Orange fleshed sweet potato is an important food and nutrition security crop in Ethiopia. However, its
productivity is low (8 t ha
) due to the use of low-yielding variety and inappropriate plant spacing., a
field ...
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill) of the family Solanaceae, is one of the most important vegetable crops in Ethiopia. Even though, production and productivity of the crop is far below the world average, which is ...
Garlic is the second most widely grown bulb crop next to the onion. It is an important cash
crop with wider agro-ecological adaptation. However, its productivity is constrained by
several factors. Among these, the use ...
Knowledge of the kinds and properties of soils is critical for making decisions for crop
production and land use types. This study was conducted to determine the physic-chemical
properties and identify the major soils ...
A field experiment was conducted at Woreta ATVET College demonstration farm in
2020/2021 irrigation season to determine the effect of different rates of nitrogen (42, 84, 126
and 168 kg N ha
) and intra-row spacing ...
Seedling emergence and stand establishment of carrot seeds are often slow and erratic which results in low
productivity. Poor seed quality together with lack of pre sowing seed treatments and improper irrigation
management ...
Production of tomato in Ethiopia as well as in Amhara Region is low; this could be due to
lack of high yielding and high quality genotypes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
evaluate variability and performance of ...
Onion (Allium cape L.) is an important vegetable crop commonly produced both for home
consumption and income generation by small scale farmers and commercial growers in
many parts of Ethiopia. However, the crop yield in ...
Koga Irrigation Scheme is one of the potential watermelon producing areas in Ethiopia. However, the average yield of watermelon is low due to inappropriate sowing date and poor agronomic practice like vine pruning. Therefore, ...
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important cash and food crop in Ethiopia. However, the
yield of the crop is constrained by a number of factors. Among the constraints, the use of
inappropriate seed tuber size and ...
Orange fleshed sweet potato is an important food and nutrition security crop in Ethiopia. However, its
productivity is low (8 t ha
) due to the use of low-yielding variety and inappropriate plant spacing., a
field ...
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill) of the family Solanaceae, is one of the most important vegetable crops in Ethiopia. Even though, production and productivity of the crop is far below the world average, which is ...
Garlic is the second most widely grown bulb crop next to the onion. It is an important cash
crop with wider agro-ecological adaptation. However, its productivity is constrained by
several factors. Among these, the use ...
Knowledge of the kinds and properties of soils is critical for making decisions for crop
production and land use types. This study was conducted to determine the physic-chemical
properties and identify the major soils ...
A field experiment was conducted at Woreta ATVET College demonstration farm in
2020/2021 irrigation season to determine the effect of different rates of nitrogen (42, 84, 126
and 168 kg N ha
) and intra-row spacing ...
Seedling emergence and stand establishment of carrot seeds are often slow and erratic which results in low
productivity. Poor seed quality together with lack of pre sowing seed treatments and improper irrigation
management ...
Production of tomato in Ethiopia as well as in Amhara Region is low; this could be due to
lack of high yielding and high quality genotypes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
evaluate variability and performance of ...
Onion (Allium cape L.) is an important vegetable crop commonly produced both for home
consumption and income generation by small scale farmers and commercial growers in
many parts of Ethiopia. However, the crop yield in ...
A field experiment was conducted at Woreta ATVET College demonstration farm in
2020/2021 irrigation season to determine the effect of different rates of nitrogen (42, 84, 126
and 168 kg N ha
) and intra-row spacing ...
Head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) is an important vegetable crop in Ethiopia which may
help to improve the economic status of poor farmers. It is used as a source of various
nutrients and income for smallholder farmers. ...