Reading comprehension ability is one of the key abilities trained in ESL classrooms. It
,/· plays a vital role in second language acquisition. However, traditionally, the teaching of
reading was viewed as a bottom-up process in which teachers train decoding skills. This,
paper first explains the different theories/models (top-down, bottom-up and interactive
model) of reading. Then examines which approach teachers employ in teaching reading,
what affects the reading instruction qnd what teachers think the students benefit Ji-om the
reading instruction" The study was conducted with I 5 English teachers and 90 grade 9
and IO students in 'Bahir Dar Zuria and Fasilo secondary schools. Data were collected
using questionnaires, 'txJservations and interviews, The data were analyzed qualitatively
and quantitatively.; The results asserted that teachers employ the top-down approach
more than the bottom-up one. However, we can infer that the teachers have a tendency to
employ interactive approach. Furthermore, teachers found to have diversified beliefs
about the benefit of the reading instructlon to the students. They attributed their success
or failure in the reading instruction to different external factors. Based on the findings of
the study, The researcher argues that teachers should employ both top-down and bottomup
reading approaches in balance (the interactive approach) to benefit divers(fied.,.,
proficiency levels of students from the intervention of different types of strategies. This
also helps teachers to give equal emphasis to accuracy and fluency. Furth°"ermore.
material designers should give considerable attention to the theories behind the reading
process and the students' proficiency levels as materials may directly affect the reading
instruct ion