The concept of Earnings management has attracted much attention from policymakers and
regulators in the last years following several so known financial scandals which provide
evidence of artificial earnings management ...
Life insurance is a financial product that aims to protect dependents against the risks of premature
death or disability of the insured party. Although life insurance has a lot of benefits financially,
socially, and ...
Insurance is a way of transferring risk from insured to the insurer by considering premium
payments. Insurance plays a great role in a country's economic growth and offers financial
protection to an individual or firm ...
This study was conducted to examine factors that affect credit risk of Ethiopian Private
commercial banks. To achieve its intended objective, this study employed explanatory research
design. Non-performing loans was used ...
Deposit is the most liquid money that is found within the treasury of the bank and which is prepared
to be borrowed by a body in requiring of the fund. The main aim of this study was to examine
factors affecting deposit ...
The general objective of the study was to evaluate the relation between internal performance
factors and external performance factors on the performance of MSEs that operate in Bahir
Dar city administration. These were ...
Interest rate spread is a crucial indicator of the growth and improvement of an economy as there
is a critical link between efficiency of banks financial intermediation and economic growth. Thus,
the purpose of this study ...
When a construction companies are unable or struggles to satisfy its financial obligations as
they mature, it is said to be in financial difficulty. Researchers rarely perform financial hardship
studies that are matched ...
The main purpose of this study is to empirically examines the determinants of the capital
structure of insurance companies in Ethiopia. In order to achieve this objective, this study used a
quantitative research approach, ...
An Internal audit is an independent ,objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add
value and improve organization operations to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic,
and disciplined approach ...
This study tried to identify the effect of demographic, socio-economic and institutional factors
on access to formal credit in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda. To achieve this objective, the study
utilized cross-sectional survey ...
The study examines the role of intellectual capital efficiency and its components on financial
performance of commercial banks. To achieve study objectives Pulic 1998 value added intellectual
coefficient is adopted to ...
This study tried to identify the effect of demographic, socio-economic and institutional factors
on access to formal credit in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda. To achieve this objective, the study
utilized cross-sectional survey ...
Ethiopian insurance sector does not grow as expected and cannot take a major part for the economic development and it contributes less than 1% to country’s total GDP; therefore, the purpose of this study focuses on identifying ...
The purpose of this study is factors affecting financial performance of saving and credit cooperative union in a case of Amhara region, Ethiopia.
The study employed quantitative research approach and explanatory (descriptive) ...
In sub-Saharan Africa, they experience a persistent gap between the
actual tax revenue and their potential, given the efforts made over the last two
decades. This paper addresses the following three questions:What is ...
This study examined the contribution of real effective exchange rate (REER) to export growth in Ethiopia for the period 1979-2018 by empirically testing the long run and short run relationship and causality between exchange ...
This study investigates the determinants of the capital structure of FDI companies in Amhara
region. The study used a fixed effect regression model. In connection with this, the study adopted a
quantitative approach and ...
The main objective of this study was to examine the determinants of cash holding decision in largemanufacturing companies. The study was an explanatory type of research based on a quantitatiresearch approach using random ...
ecivres xat cinortcelE lufesu tsom eht fo eno si stnemurtsni esaercni ot ytivitcudorp dna eunever
dna tnemnrevog fo etipseD .sreyapxat ,revewoh ,eseht ylno llams gnisu era sreyapxat fo srebmun
srehto dna ...