In sub-Saharan Africa, they experience a persistent gap between the
actual tax revenue and their potential, given the efforts made over the last two
decades. This paper addresses the following three questions:What is the trends of
tax revenue collection in Sub- Saharan African countries? What is the status and
drivers of tax potential? and What is the trends and factors on tax effort in Sub-
Saharan African countries? Stochastic frontier analysis and secondary panel data
from 2000 to 2018 in 23 Sub-Saharan African countries were employed. The results
indicate that middle income, resource-intensive, non-oil export, and non-fragile
countries' actual tax revenue, tax potential, and effort are superior to the sampled
average whereas their counter parts trend is below the sample average. Estimation
outcomes shows that GDP per capita, trade openness, agricultural sector, service
sector, manufacturing sector and urbanization have a positive effect on tax revenue
potential, whereas income inequality, construction sector, inflation and age
dependency have a negative effect. The results also reveal that external debt and
government stability have a positive effect on tax revenue effort, while official
development assistance, population density, and corruption have a negative effect on
tax revenue effort. This paper concluded that economic, demographic, and
institutional factors are relevant to determine countries ' tax revenue potential and
effort, and hence, before developing tax policy, the bodies concerned shall first
decide their tax potential and effort.