Communicative competence in English language is be! ieved Lo be affected by the
type of strategies used by English as foreign language learners. Three approaches are
thought to contribute to the success of English as a foreign language learning namelv
communicative learning. reading for pleasure and acculturation strategies. And in this
study the researcher endeavored to survev the foreign language learning strategies
employed by English asforeign language learners. English Department students of Bahir
Dar University were the subjects of this investigation. All (! 65) year If and year Ill
regular English Department students were included in the study. A closed ended
questionnaire that is organized in to three parts was used as a tool of data collection. The
analysis is conducted using descriptive statistics and narration. The findings of the studv
revealed that majority of the respondents were not seemingly ., using the three specific
strategies that help in the improvement of communicative competence such as
dependence on textbooks and less motivation for additional references. less willingness to
learn· cultures of English native speakers . failure of .using English language for
communication outside the classroom environment. However. less accessibility of crucial
facilities in the university. methodologies employed by instructors. learning English
mainly for ac~demic than communication purpose were also some of thefactors that had
probably contributed/or the result obtained Some options that are assumed to alleviate
•. the challenges observed are alsoforwarded.