he existence of ozone in the stratosphere is crucial for protecting living things from
harmful ultraviolet radiation. However, when ozone moves to the tropospheric region,
it acts as a greenhouse gas, contributing to ...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared by using the reducing agent sodium borohydride
with the precursor silver nitrate
and stabilized by trisodium citrate. The increase in
concentrations of Silver nitrate significantly ...
This study investigated the synthesis and characterization of ZnO NPs using different
concentrations of orange fruit peel extraction. To reduce and stabilize, an aqueous medium
containing extracts of orange peel was used. ...
Ground- and satellite-based radio communication and navigation systems
are greatly impacted by the post-sunset equatorial ionospheric irregularities
that exist in the Earth's ionosphere. Although post-sunset vertically ...
This project report is to explore the behavior and stability of autonomous dynamical systems,
focusing on their theoretical and practical applications. The primary objective of this study is
to analyze the stability ...
The main task of this research work is to investigate the e ect of channel length on the
DC open loop gain and voltage swing of a current bu er CMOS operational ampli er
circuit. It involves three basic concepts, theoretical ...
Sweet mytcea (Myrtus communis) plant is one of the commonly used traditional medicinal plants
in Ethiopia for treating malaria, headache, and stomachache. The present study intended to
investigate the phytochemicals, ...
Discopodium penninervium(Almit))is one of the most versatile medicinal plants having
a wide spectrum of biological activities due to the presence of large number of bioactive
compounds. The present study is conducted to ...
Due to the problem associated with device power dissipation, the demand for low
power devices is increasing at a faster rate as a result of wider implementation of
smaller-sized, portable, and hand held devices in the ...
Ionospheric irregularities were small-scale fluctuations or disturbances in the ionosphere, the
part of the Earth's atmosphere that is ionized by solar radiation. These irregularities can affect
radio wave propagation ...
Metal oxide nanoparticles have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique
properties and potential applications in various fields. However, the size of these nanoparticles plays a
crucial role in ...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) exhibit unique optical properties due to their localized surface
plasmon resonance (LSPR), which is influenced by their size, shape, and synthesis method. This
study aims to explore and compare ...
Solar radiation at the earth‟s energy source including a significant amount of ultraviolet
rays. Ultraviolet B (UV-B) is one of the types of UV radiation with wavelength range from 280315
co ...
The ionosphere is the part of the atmosphere that contains ionized gases, called plasma,
and that affects radio propagation. The response of the ionosphere and magnetosphere to
two powerful geomagnetic storms that occurred ...
This thesis investigates the impact of geomagnetic storms on the global ionospheric Total
Electron Content (TEC) during selected events from April 2023 to August 2024. The primary
objective is to analyze the dynamic ...
Ionosphere, is a thin layer of plasma that occupies the upper layer of the Earth's atmosphere,
affecting radio communications, satellite navigation, and space weather. For this reason,
monitoring changes in the ionosphere ...
The demand for maximum performance parameters, with some level of trade-o but
not too much compromise between di erent parameters, from CMOS op-amp circuits
in general and two stage CMOS op-amps in particular is driving ...
The ionosphere, also known as the ionized part of the upper atmosphere, is believed to vary as
a function of different parameters such as solar and geomagnetic activities. One of the
peculiar parameters that describe the ...
The main objective of this research is to enhance the DC open loop gain and voltage
swing of a Telescopic CMOS op amp by using OrCAD PSPICE design and simulation
software, based on electronic devices and advanced integrated ...
The need to design and manufacture CMOS amplifiers to maintain acceptable level of
performances at low voltages is immensely important. This research work emphasizes
on investigating the CMRR, slew rate, and DC gain of ...