Evidence from research has shown that health care facilities in Ethiopia are the largest generators of medical solid waste in the world; generating as much as 6.03 kg/bed/day. Therefore, it is paramount that all affected and concerned parties, especially health care facilities or hospitals, address their shortcomings to protect the environment. The purpose of this convergent parallel mixed research was to establish and determine the strength of the relationship between holistic information regarding medical waste handling infrastructure and the successful minimization and subsequent disposal of solid medical waste through a correlational relationship analysis and verify the results through a thematic analysis. This study utilized the SECI model developed by Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka for the purpose of understanding how knowledge is generated and applied within an institution as the theoretical framework. This convergent parallel mixed study also utilized an assessment tool developed by the Global Fund to gather information for the quantitative data from a sample of 319 practicing professionals and an assessment tool developed jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Health Organization to gather information for the qualitative data from a sample of 12 participants. The analyzed quantitative data showed that there is a statistically significant relationship at a P < 0.05 significance level having a P value of .003 and a positive correlational relationship with a Pearson’s Coefficient of .369 between holistic information as the independent variable and the successful minimization and disposal of solid medical waste as the dependent variable. The analyzed qualitative study verified the results of the quantitative analysis results by identifying that the factors that affect the successful minimization and disposal of solid medical waste are a combination of knowledge gaps and a lack of concern, awareness, prioritization, and support. Public hospitals as well as other concerned municipalities, such as Ethiopian Ministry of Health and the Environmental Protection Authority, can use this information to make decisive changes that can successfully minimize solid medical waste and dispose of it environmentally for the benefit and positive implications it will have on both the community and the environment.