Evidence from research has shown that health care facilities in Ethiopia are the largest generators of medical solid waste in the world; generating as much as 6.03 kg/bed/day. Therefore, it is paramount that all affected ...
Green legacy initiatives are much to be gained from altering the plantations of indigenous
trees surrounding road sides, parks, and green places. One Tree Planted focus in our country
Ethiopia ...
In developing country, surface water is becoming more and more contaminated from
various sources. The Qeha River's water quality has significantly polluted as a result
of many activities like the removal ...
Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. Therefore, to increase productivity
and to alleviate food insecurity, pesticides were used for in large-scale and small-scale
irrigation farming system. On the other ...
Construction solid waste has impacted negatively on the environment. Reuse, recycling
and reduction of construction materials have been advocated for many years, and various
methods have been investigated. The rates ...
Hexavalent chromium, amongst others, is a globally environmental concern when eluded
beyond limited. This work was then focused on the removal of hexavalent Cr (VI) heavy
metal ion from wastewater using an adsorbent ...
Food-waste and food loss is a consumable food that is not used, and it occurs in both
developed and developing nations like Ethiopia. The goal of this study was to make an
assessment on the total generation of ...
Solid waste, which is generated as a result of human activity on a daily basis, must be
appropriately managed. Metu, like other Ethiopian towns, is plagued by challenges
caused by poor solid waste management ...
Evidence from research has shown that health care facilities in Ethiopia are the largest generators of medical solid waste in the world; generating as much as 6.03 kg/bed/day. Therefore, it is paramount that all affected ...
Green legacy initiatives are much to be gained from altering the plantations of indigenous
trees surrounding road sides, parks, and green places. One Tree Planted focus in our country
Ethiopia ...
In developing country, surface water is becoming more and more contaminated from
various sources. The Qeha River's water quality has significantly polluted as a result
of many activities like the removal ...
Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. Therefore, to increase productivity
and to alleviate food insecurity, pesticides were used for in large-scale and small-scale
irrigation farming system. On the other ...
Construction solid waste has impacted negatively on the environment. Reuse, recycling
and reduction of construction materials have been advocated for many years, and various
methods have been investigated. The rates ...
Hexavalent chromium, amongst others, is a globally environmental concern when eluded
beyond limited. This work was then focused on the removal of hexavalent Cr (VI) heavy
metal ion from wastewater using an adsorbent ...
Food-waste and food loss is a consumable food that is not used, and it occurs in both
developed and developing nations like Ethiopia. The goal of this study was to make an
assessment on the total generation of ...
Solid waste, which is generated as a result of human activity on a daily basis, must be
appropriately managed. Metu, like other Ethiopian towns, is plagued by challenges
caused by poor solid waste management ...
Water (surface water and ground water) is an important parameter for a sustainability and
ecological balance of biodiversity. Ground water samples were collected from selected
locations of Addis Zemen ...
The bio-coagulants extracted from moringa stenopetala seed, aloe Vera leaves and cactus
leaves by using 1MNaCl were examined for the removal of turbidity and microbial
contaminants in drinking water. The three ...
Microplastics (MPs) pollution in water bodies, wastewater, and sewage is of concern due
to their probable effects on the environment and human health. The present study explores
first-time attempts of MPs pollutions ...
Textile industry is one of the industries that uses a lot of water during the manufacturing
process and also releases a lot of effluents containing synthetic colors into the environment,
causing health and environmental ...
Permanent consumption of higher concentrations causes both dental fluorosis and skeletal
fluorosis. The WHO guideline value for fluoride in drinking water is 1.5 mg/l. High fluoride
concentrations are particularly critical ...
Acid clay treatments are well known for their performances in the treatment of used lubricating
oils. Based on different experimental factors, a new technology will develop using acid clay
treatment process for the ...
In this study, Aloe Vera biomass-based adsorbent was developed for the adsorptive
removal of pharmaceutical wastes from contaminated water. Adsorbent was prepared
from the stem of Aloe vera by chemical (H
and ...
In the present study, calcined and acid activated adsorbents were prepared from
Ethiopian kaolinite clay.The adsorbent preparations were conducted by thermal and
chemical(phosphoric acid) activation processes. ...
Textile Industry is amongst the top ranked industries that generate a huge volume of
wastewater. Colored effluents are associated with the production and use of dyes, the
presence of dyes in aquatic systems has become ...
Energy is one of the limiting parameters for the economic growth of one nation. Energy could be
generated from various sources and biogas can be one among to be mentioned. Biogas production
is a key technology in the ...