The »urpose of the study was to investigate the current written feedback practice of the
teachers of writing in the department of English Gondar University and the opinions of
students on the feedback they received as well as their recommendations for improving it.
The subjects took part in the research were 10 teachers who are currently teaching writing
and lvrve taught this skill before and 92 second year undergraduate students of English.
T e1 • teachers and students were invited to answer the questionnaires and to participate
in the i1!terview. Students also provided their assignments commented by teachers. The
data was analyzed using a hybrid research that is qualitative and quantitative method;
more specifically frequency and percentage were used to analyze the data. The result
ind» les that there weremany problems concerning teachers responding methods, their
feed ack focus, types of written feedback and forms of written feedback as well as what
teachers did to help students. Mean while students stated that they wanted more
productive written feedback. This assures that there was a mismatch between what
tear• ••s practice and what students needed. Based on this the researcher recommends
fuu: directions for teachers to implement process feedback effectively and help students
to u : the feedback. This creates a condition in which students become better writers