The study is about the influence of the English listening course of the Universities of Ethiopia on
first year EFL students’ listening skills. The research question in this research was “How does
the listening course of the Universities of Ethiopia influence first year English as foreign
language (EFL) students’ listening skills?” The primary aim of the study was to investigate the
influence of the English listening course of the Universities of Ethiopia on first year EFL
students’ listening skills. The secondary aims were organized to establish how the contents of
the English listening course can influence listening skills,to investigate how the methods used to
teach the course can influence the development of listening skills, to investigate how the
strategies students used can promote listening skills, to explore how the listening activities used
can develop students’ ability to listen, and to investigate challenges EFL students encountered
when learning the English listening skills course.The study employed qualitative case study
research method. Data were collected using observation, group interview with students,
individual based interview with instructors, and material analysis. Data sorting and analysis were
carried out using ATLAS.ti7 software guided by the thematic analysis. The findings of the study
revealed that most of the listening texts were too long for students to comprehend and their
complexity did not take students’ prior knowledge into consideration. The methods instructors
used emphasized testing rather than promoting comprehension. Students were unable to select
appropriate strategies to make sense of the oral and written texts. Based on the findings, an
“Activity Driven Information Processing Model for Teaching Listening“ is proposed for teaching
English language listening course in EFL context.
Listening skills, listening activities, listening strategies, listening teaching methods,
authentic listening texts, listening challenges, listening strategy instruction, background
knowledge, purposes of listening, dimensions of listening