The main purpose of the study was to investigate EFL teachers‟ perception and practices of written feedback provision on students‟ writing skill. To achieve the purpose, descriptive design was employed in the study. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. From the total of 1,460 students, 314 (33%) students who were attending grades 11-12 at Goh preparatory school and 7 EFL teachers were involved in the study. The students were selected using simple random sampling through lottery system to show their written tasks whereas the EFL teachers were selected using purposive sampling. Semi-structured interview and for EFL teachers was employed. Also, document analysis was used as instrument of data collection in the study. Semi-structured interview questions were used to teachers in order to investigate the EFL teachers‟ perception of written feedback provision on students writing skill. Moreover, document analysis was conducted in order to explore the actual practices of writing tasks. Interview data was analyzed qualitatively whereas the document analysis data was analyzed quantitatively using simple descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages. The findings of the study showed that teachers have positive perception about the written feedback provision on students‟ writing tasks. But, The EFL teachers did not give written feedback as they perceived. Also, in the actual practices EFL teachers‟ written feedback time constraint, weak language proficiency of students etc. were found to be major factors that affect their written feedback practices. Thus, it is concluded that EFL teachers have positive perception about written feedback provision, but they give less attention to the practice of written feedback provision on students‟ writing tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers should provide appropriate written feedback to the students as they perceived.