Literary texts are the most important resources that support the learning/teaching of EFL
vocabulary. The main objective of this study was to assess the use of short stories to teach
vocabularies of EFL Grade 10 students. The students’ perceptions about the use of short
stories to improve their vocabulary were also investigated. The participants of the study
were one intervention group who were contained 60 students selecting conveniently and
quasi experimental specifically (pretest- posttest) research design was applied. Tests and
questionnaire were data collecting instruments. At the beginning of the study, the
researcher made pilot study to check the validity and reliability of the instruments and then
students took pre-test before any treatment. Next, the group was given treatment on
collocations of words, synonyms and antonyms of words and contextual meanings by using
short stories for five weeks and then they were given the posttest to observe their progress.
To investigate students’ attitude towards the use of short stories to improve their
vocabulary performance, questionnaire was also used and the data was analyzed
quantitatively using SPSS version 21. As the analysis of the students’ test result showed,
there was a significant difference between the pre and post test results of students on
vocabulary. The results of the questionnaire revealed that the students had a positive
attitude towards the use of short stories to improve their vocabulary performance and the
treatment given. Based on the findings of the study, it was suggested that short stories
should be used primarily to support students’ language learning in general and vocabulary
lessons in particular. Finally, as this study is limited to one grade level with a sample of
one section students conducted in short period of time, it seems difficult to draw
generalizations about the findings of the study. Thus, additional study is highly
recommended to further investigate the area