A field experiment was carried out in Mecha District, Northwestern Ethiopia, to assess the growth characteristics, dry matter yield, and chemical composition of selected grass and legume varieties under rainfed conditions. ...
This study was initiated with the objective of getting responses of honeybee (Apis mellifera
monticola) to simple queen rearing techniques (SQRT) and performance evaluation of reared
queens under farmer’s condition in ...
Soybean is one of the forage legumes it can be planted for high-protein feed, such as
grazing, haying, or ensiling. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effects of
fertilizer level and row spacing on soybean ...
The studies were conducted to assess husbandry practice and evaluate egg quality traits of
Bovans Brown and Sasso chicken Breeds under a small scale chicken management system in
North Mecha district, West Gojjam zone, ...
The study was conducted in Tegedie district Central Gondar Zone of Amhara Regional
states to asses the husbandary practice and evaluate the pre-weaning growth
performance and survival rate of local goat types in their ...
The study was conducted in four selected kebeles of Dangila district, Amhara region, Ethiopia. The
objective of the study was to assess the production practices and evaluate the effect of crude beeswax
sources and ...
This study was conducted in Guangua woreda around Ellala forest, in Awi zone, Amhara
National Regional State to characterize the beekeeping systems, to identify bee flora diversity,
to know flowering period of bee floras ...
The study was conducted in Machakel district, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara National Regional
State. The objectives of the study were quantifying the production of traditionally brewery
(atella) and distillery by-products ...
The study was conducted in Guagusa Shikudad district of the Amhara National Regional State
(ANRS) with the objectives of husbandry practice characterization and evaluation of urea
molasses treated highland bamboo (Yushania ...
Natural pastures are becoming less productive due to high grazing intensity. To meet the
demand for green fodder, hydroponic techniques are alternatives to supplement pasture.
A study was conducted in the Fogera district ...
A field experiment was carried out in Mecha District, Northwestern Ethiopia, to assess the growth characteristics, dry matter yield, and chemical composition of selected grass and legume varieties under rainfed conditions. ...
This study was initiated with the objective of getting responses of honeybee (Apis mellifera
monticola) to simple queen rearing techniques (SQRT) and performance evaluation of reared
queens under farmer’s condition in ...
Soybean is one of the forage legumes it can be planted for high-protein feed, such as
grazing, haying, or ensiling. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effects of
fertilizer level and row spacing on soybean ...
The studies were conducted to assess husbandry practice and evaluate egg quality traits of
Bovans Brown and Sasso chicken Breeds under a small scale chicken management system in
North Mecha district, West Gojjam zone, ...
The study was conducted in Tegedie district Central Gondar Zone of Amhara Regional
states to asses the husbandary practice and evaluate the pre-weaning growth
performance and survival rate of local goat types in their ...
The study was conducted in four selected kebeles of Dangila district, Amhara region, Ethiopia. The
objective of the study was to assess the production practices and evaluate the effect of crude beeswax
sources and ...
This study was conducted in Guangua woreda around Ellala forest, in Awi zone, Amhara
National Regional State to characterize the beekeeping systems, to identify bee flora diversity,
to know flowering period of bee floras ...
The study was conducted in Machakel district, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara National Regional
State. The objectives of the study were quantifying the production of traditionally brewery
(atella) and distillery by-products ...
The study was conducted in Guagusa Shikudad district of the Amhara National Regional State
(ANRS) with the objectives of husbandry practice characterization and evaluation of urea
molasses treated highland bamboo (Yushania ...
Natural pastures are becoming less productive due to high grazing intensity. To meet the
demand for green fodder, hydroponic techniques are alternatives to supplement pasture.
A study was conducted in the Fogera district ...
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of hydroponic barley fodder supplementation
on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Cobb 500 broilers. Cobb 500 unsexed
day-old chicks were purchased from ...
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of urea molasses treated groundnut hull
(UMTGH) as a replacement for wheat bran (WB) on nutrient utilization, body weight change,
carcass characteristics, and economic ...
The study was carried out to assess small-scale chicken farm management practices, opportunities, constraints, profitability, and evaluate the performance and profitability in urban and peri-urban areas in and around Debre ...