This study aimed to examine the determinants of mobile money service adoption at commercial
bank of Ethiopia. Mobile money, CBE-Birr service has a significant contribution to macro and
micro economy of Ethiopia. Therefore, it is expected to do more in its adoption. In examining
the determinants of CBE-Birr service adoption, this study used a quantitative approach. The
target population for this study (6,434) have incorporated both CBE-Birr user employees and
customers, who were registered and have had active account of the service, specifically at four
selected branches of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Bahirdar. The selection of four branches
from other CBE in Bahirdar was conducted purposely by including all grade types (1,2,3 and
4). To differentiate and select the branches having the same grade, the consideration was given
for the branches relatively found on the nearest site than other CBE branches in Bahirdar. The
sources of data for this study were both primary and secondary. The Primary data was
collected from active mobile phone account holder of both employees and customers of CBEBirr
interviews and questionnaire surveys. The secondary data was collected through the
internet-enabled devices and library items. The cluster random sampling technique was used
for the selection of the sample respondents among four selected branches. Accordingly, 377
questionaries were distributed to all computed sample respondents and 325 responses were
received. To fit its main and specific objectives, this study used binary logistic regression model
and the analysis was conducted by using the SPSS V.21. This study result shows, being other
variables constant, perceived price and perceived usefuliness have got negative association
and significant effect on CBE-Birr adoption, the remaining explanatory variables, reliable
network, perceived safety and perceived trust have positive association and significant
influence on mobile money CBE-Birr adoption by having a different exponent of beta values.
Localizing the language of using the service, giving more advice and advertisement on
usefuliness of mobile money service to customers and connecting the service system with other
banks out of CBE to add the service accessibility are the recommendations provided in case of
this study.