The purpose of this study was to investigate Grade nine EFL teachers’ perception and practice
of cooperative learning in EFL speaking classes at three selected secondary and preparatory
schools at Burie Worda, West Gojjam Zone. To conduct the study, descriptive survey research
design was employed. The schools were selected by convenience sampling technique. To collect
data, sixteen Grade nine EFL teachers were selected through comprehensive sampling technique
and 129 Grade nine students were selected through multistage sampling technique. The study
was complemented by mixed method approach with data collection tools such as questionnaire,
interview and classroom observation. The quantitative data were analyzed using frequency,
percentage, and mean and the qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The remaining data
obtained through the open ended item of the questionnaire and interview were analyzed
qualitatively together with the quantitative data. The results of the study indicated that most of
EFL teachers’ perception of cooperative learning was low, that is, they did not clearly know
what CL is (definition, group formation, essential elements, roles of teachers and students, etc.).
Similarly, the practice of CL in EFL speaking classroom had great flaws. The major factors
affecting the effective practice of cooperative learning were large class size, inadequate teacher
training, tendency of focusing on teacher-centered method, and time scarcity. Finally, based on
the above findings, some recommendations have been forwarded that grade nine EFL teachers
should get cooperative learning training theoretically and practically and also the school should
supply supplementary materials that help teachers to have adequate perception of cooperative