The purpose of this study was to assess service quality of Star Rated Resorts and Spas in the
city of Bishoftu from international tourists' perspective. Convenience sampling technique was
employed to approach the respondents. A total of 165 international tourists from the. star
rated resorts and spas were approachedfor the data collection period (January l-Marcn 30,
2017). The finding of the study revealed that twelve resorts and spas attributes were deemed
important by the international tourists who stayed in the star rated resorts and spas. However,
the performance of the resorts and spas against the twelve attributes was low. As a result,
international tourists were not satisfied on these attributes. The finding also identified ten
Resort attributes which were rated as important by study participants. The performance of the
resort against these attributes was also good. Hence, international tourists were satisfied on
these attributes. These attributes include Timeliness of the resort and spas staff, Offering of
previously arranged services from the first meeting and onwards, Readiness of the employees
to help guests, Wellness facilities, Resort and spa interior, Resort and spa exterior, Room
amenities, Leaflets, brochures, menus, wine cards, Recreation facilities, Honest and empathic
treatment of guests. Two attributes were rated as low importance, and the performance of the
resorts was also low. These attributes include offering services without mistakes and offering
of services in a promised manner of time. In addition, four attributes were identified as
important by respondents though they were not available in all resorts under study. These
attributes include in room temperature control, in room alarm, Traditional clubs, and
Children facilities.