The main purpose of this research was to assess factors that affect the students’
motivation to participate in speaking activities in EFL classroom. Descriptive Survey was
used. Questionnaire for students, classroom observation and interview for teachers were
the tools used to collect data for the study. Nejo Secondary school grade 9 students and
English teachers were targeted. The sample of the study consisted of ninety three students
and seven teachers. Students were chosen using systematic random sampling technique.
Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using quantitative method, but data from the
classroom observation and interview were analyzed using qualitative methods. The
closed-ended data were analyzed using table, calculating percentage and descriptive
statistics (mean) independent samples t-test was implemented. At the end, the data was
organized and presented thematically. The finding of this study revealed that there were
a few motivational elements practiced to stimulate students in speaking activities, the
student’s interest was mostly negatively affected to participate in speaking activities
regarding the teachers’ role, the students’ ability and the conditions of the classroom
environment and also male students were a little beat more motivated than female
students to participate voluntarily in speaking activities in EFL classroom but
statistically no significant difference was seen between them. Thus, English language
teachers, department leader and school principals should solve the problem in harmony.
Teachers should take in consideration about things which harm the students’ motivation
related to their role. It is advisable that the English teachers of Nejo Secondary School
and others should share experience on aspects of advancing students’ motivation.
Finally, the researcher suggests other researchers to conduct further studies in different
schools in related topics to make the study complete and to improve the learning and
teaching of speaking skills.