The purpose of the study was to explore the practices of teachers’ written feedback on
students’ writing at Abrhajira General Secondary and Preparatory school. To attain the
purpose, descriptive research design was employed. The target population of the study
was grade eleven students and two English language teachers. The total number of
students was 163 and teachers were two. 48(30%) students in grade eleven were selected
using simple random sampling technique to fill out the questionnaire. Close and open
ended questionnaire was used to gather data from student respondents. Semi-structured
interview for teachers and document analysis were also employed to triangulate the
findings of the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using simple descriptive
statistics such as frequency and percentage. In addition, the data collected through the
interview and document analysis were also analyzed using qualitative methods. The
findings of the study indicated that teachers were not properly providing feedback to
students as they did not give much attention to teaching writing. The study also showed
that teachers did not consider students’ preferences while receiving feedback. The study
further showed that teachers were not selective in the types of feedback and focused on
surface features of writing than major features of students writing in their feedback. In
the proper implementation of teachers’ written feedback, time constrain, large class size,
teachers’ poor pedagogical approach, and students’ poor language proficiency were
found to be major hindrances. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that
teachers should give due attention to teaching writing so that students can utilize teacher
written feedback and improve their writing.