The main purpose of this study was to explore the motivation of EFL teachers of public primary schools to
teach English language in Bahir Dar City Administration. Drawing on in-depth qualitative data was
gathered from sixty-five EFL teacher participants for the questionnaire item out of which the five EFL
teachers were interviewed. This study investigated the motivation of EFL teachers to teach English at
public primary schools (i.e., only in the second cycle) in Bahir Dar City Administration, Ethiopia. EFL
teachers completed the Teacher Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ) before an interview. The participants
were a convenience sample of EFL teachers of public primary schools who were currently teaching in
Bahir Dar City Administration. The results of the study revealed: EFL teachers were motivated to teach
English with their commitment and the passion they had already developed to this subject despite the
challenges, EFL teachers of public primary schools exhibited some kinds of behaviours when they were
intrinsically motivated to teach English and there were more kinds of motivators than demotivators of EFL
teachers of public primary schools to teach English. Apart from the responses obtained by the
questionnaire item, most of the responses of EFL teacher interviewees confirmed that they were motivated
to teach English because of several motivators. Some of these motivators were: the personality of their
previous EFL teachers who taught them it beginning from their primary schools to their college level
education, smart way of lesson presentation of their previous EFL teachers and English is one of the global
language and the enthusiasm they had developed towards it so far. However, the main demotivators, as it
was clearly understood from the responses of EFL teachers obtained through the questionnaire item, for
these EFL teacher participants included: the poor autonomy of teachers, teachers’ beliefs in that their
teaching accomplishments were not recognized, poor salary payments, unable to participate in decision
making issues, particularly in the issues of EFL teaching, inefficiency of school administrative bodies and
stakeholders of education of primary schools and the poor relationships of EFL teachers of public primary
schools with students’ parents. The overall results of the study indicated: teachers were motivated to teach
English caused by various motivators despite a few of the inconveniences; teachers read different books,
teachers prepare lesson plan/s on time and teachers use English in their classrooms were some of the
behaviors exhibited when EFL teachers were motivated teach English and the extrinsic, the autonomy, the
relationships, the self-realization and the institutional support of EFL teachers were regarded as either the
motivators or demotivators or both as motivators and demotivators of them to teach English. Thus, such
demotivators are significant issues in Bahir Dar City Administration, Ethiopia, which need the immediate
attention of the administrative bodies of BahirDar City Administration all together, educational
stakeholders of public primary schools and the society at large.