The present study draws on the socio-cultural theory to investigate how 11th grade English
foreign language students enhance reading achievement through vocabulary learning strategy
training in Ambessame Preparatory School. Vocabulary learning strategy use has been regarded
a fundamental element of learning in English foreign language reading classes. However, in the
present situation, the students are not using these strategies at a feasible pace that will help them
develop reading comprehension sufficiently. Therefore, this study designed to examine effects of
vocabulary learning strategy training on students’ literal and analytic reading comprehension
and vocabulary learning strategy use. In line with this, quantitative data was drawn using
questionnaire to collect data about vocabulary learning strategy use and the tests also used to
collect quantitative data about the students’ reading comprehension achievement. This study was
conducted based on a quasi-experimental design: pretest-posttest design. The experimental
group and control group were assigned randomly into experimental and control groups. From
386 11th grade students, who were selected based on available convenient sampling, 95 grade
11 natural science students in two sections were selected as a participants using purposeful
sampling technique. These sections were randomly assigned into experimental group (47) and
control group (48). Since the collected data were quantitative in nature, the analysis method was
employed quantitatively. Therefore, independent and paired sample t-tests were also used to
determine the difference between the two groups and the improvement in each group in their
reading comprehension achievement respectively. However, one sample t-test was employed to
check the improvement of vocabulary learning strategy use. The result of the t-test showed that
the experimental group outperformed the control group in their reading achievement since the
experimental group received training in vocabulary learning strategy use. Similarly, vocabulary
learning strategy uses showed improvement in the experimental group. Generally, findings
advocated that the presence of the training improved reading achievement and ability to use
vocabulary learning strategy uses effectively.