The main objective of this study was to assess EFL teachers’ use of motivational strategies intended to enhance learners’ oral practice in the EFL classrooms. It is an attempt to explore EFL teachers’ level of perception and extent of applications of motivational strategies in secondary school classes. To collect the data, classroom observations, questionnaires and interviews were employed. 10EFL teachers of grades 9 and 10, and 132 students from the same grades were participated in the study. Classroom observation was made on 5 of the 10 teachers based on a checklist adapted from Dornyei’s (2001) list of 48 strategies. A total of 15 observations, 3 observations for each teacher, were done while they were teaching oral practice lessons. Teachers and student were asked to rate a list of motivational strategies on the bases of their importance and frequency of use through the given questionnaire items which were adapted from Dornyei’s (2001) list of 48 motivational strategies. 5 teachers were also interviewed to find out their reasons and explanations for their perception and application of motivational strategies. The result was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The motivational strategies were grouped based on their purpose/ function they have on EFL classes. The results indicated that grades 9 and 10 EFL teachers of Ghion Secondary and Preparatory School strongly endorse the motivational strategies related to building the students’ schema and to task- related motivational strategies. As the result showed, EFL teachers’ perception and implementation of motivational strategies is not to the level. EFL teachers do not implement motivational strategies adequately. Consequently, the students’ participation during oral practice lessons is very low.