The main theme of this study is to explore the political dynamics of the Amhara regional state
since 2018. In 2018, there was “political reform” which begun with the euphoria of whole sale
transformation to democracy ...
The Ethiopia‘s National Dialogue Commission has been considered as a solution for crucial
problems a nation has faced. But it has not been successful as expected. Therefore identifying the
key factors that may influence ...
The idea and practice of establishing foreign military bases in the Horn of Africa (HoA) is an
enduring phenomenon. The Cold War ideological and geopolitical rivalry between the US and
the Soviet Union in Africa was ...
Ongoing community insecurity in Ethiopia has become a complex and interconnected issue,
particularly affecting the Amhara community. The main objective of this study was to investigate
the major causes, actors, impacts, ...
The use of terror for political ends has been a customary practice throughout the political history
of Modern Ethiopia. However, the narrative of terror[ism] as an existential threat to Ethiopia is a
new development. ...
Ongoing community insecurity in Ethiopia has become a complex and interconnected issue,
particularly affecting the Amhara community. The main objective of this study was to investigate
the major causes, actors, impacts, ...
Political instability is a result of overall social, political, ethnic, or national disintegration and
unrest. Historically, Ethiopia is riddled with intra and interstate conflicts. Political instability
also increases ...
The main objective of this study was identifying the causes of land conflict and resolution
mechanisms in the study area. The research design that the researcher employed was a
qualitative approach particularly case ...
Inter-governmental relations have been around the world ever since countries like
the United States moved from a confederation system to a federal structure.
Although the degree of interaction varied, there was ...
Abstract: Women’s empowerment, gender equality, democracy, and good governance have recently been prominent issues in academic
debates. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play a vital role in filling the gaps in governments ...
The main objective of this study was to explore the post federal government and Tigray rebel conflict reconstruction in Dessie and Kombolcha city administrations. To achieve this objective, the study used a qualitative ...
Historically, but also more recently, various strains of federalism have sought to be valuable
tools for nation-building and managing inter and intra-ethnic conflicts in multiethnic societies.
After the overthrow of the ...
The main aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of anti-human trafficking measures and
the way in which they can be effectively addressed locally in West Armachiho Woreda. To
achieve the above objective, the ...
Conflict is a worldwide phenomenon which has its highest frequency in Africa, particularly
in the HoA. In Ethiopia currently, there are huge interethnic and inter-clan conflicts. Hence, the
main purpose of this study ...
Adaptive leadership practices and its relationship with organizational learning and organizational
effectiveness, as well as the prediction of the variables in Ethiopia's Amhara National Regional
State public higher ...
Although there were ethnic nationalism and ethnic based political organizations since 1970s, the
introduction of ethnic federalism and the coming power of TPLF/EPRDF in the post 1991
opened a wider space for ethnic ...
Participation is a development approach, which recognizes the need to involve disadvantaged
segments of the population in the design and implementation of policies concerning their
wellbeing. Thus, any activity is expected ...
Coalition politics is a usual kind of governance in countries characterized by ethnic diversity,
parliamentary form of government and majoritarian electoral system. Ethiopia is home of multiethnic
societies ...
The main aim of this study was to investigate the causes, major claims for the rise of Amhara nationalism and its implication to the political dynamics of Ethiopia. Amhara nationalism has a different implication for the ...
In Ethiopia, like some world countries, the national election has been postponed. However, the
prolongation of the 2020 national election of Ethiopia more than two times had socio-political
impacts on the country. ...