dc.description.abstract |
The main purpose o/ this study was to assess the quality o/ l:.ng/ish for Ethiopia Grade 9
Textbook in terms of: physical appearance, clarity ofobjectives. clarity of instructions, clarity of
illustrations, exercises and activities, grammar, Vocabulary frequency, basic skills, subject and
content, considering different learning styles, and supplementary materials which was prepared
hv Ministry of Education. Ttlts type of Text book evaluat ion was called in use and wus conducted
both external and internal evaluation model which was based on eleven set of criteria. Both
quantitative and qualitative data were obtained and two sets of data were used for this studv.
First, a questionnaire was distributed to 42 English teachers who were selected purposefully and
comprehensibly from S""'llureda at Eastern zone high Schools in Tigray during 201012011. In
addition. the Englishfor Ethiopia Grade 9 Textbook was used as core material for analyzing the
data in terms of determining the correspondences and discrepancies between the teachers'
reports and the actual features of the textbook.
The purpose of !he questionnaire administered to high School teachers was to determine how the
English tear.·hers' perceived the textbook. The questionnaire consisted offive liken scale items
whfi·h consisted ofstrongly agree to strongly disagree. Moreover, to get the validity of the items,
the researcher made pilot test also to measure the inferno/ consistency, he had run cronpach
_alpha that 1vas 0.988. The data in the questionnaire was analvzed bv calculating, perccntage«.
[requcncies, mean scores and standard deviation.
. ..
Based on r he findings, most of the studied textbook part had good qualify, however, some o/ the
textbook part had poor quality. Jn line with this, the researcher finally recommends possible
solution and suggests area of studv on the particular Grade 9 Tex/book. |
en_US |