Zone secondary school EFL teachers'
perception in practicing CPD activities and its impact on EFL classroom
instruction as well as to identify the factors inhibiting EFL teachers in
practicing CPD successfully. To study this, a descriptive survey method was
used and questionnaire, interview and document analysis were applied
as data gathering instruments. In the study 45 EFL teachers of five
secondary schools were selected as a representative from the total 145
EFL teachers of eighteen secondary schools of the zone by using cluster
sampling technique. Six EFL teachers at various level of experience (high,
m'edium or«: beginner) were also considered for the interview through
purposive'"sampling technique. Mean score, standard deviation, one '
sample t-test, independent t-test and one way ANOVA were employed to
analyze the quantitative data and word description was used to analyze
the qualitative data. The results indicated that teachers perceived CPD
negatively but there were no significant difference of the teacher's
perception regarding with their length of service. They also practiced the
two types of CPD (input-based and experienced-based) in a similar
fashion. Practicing CPD activities which have had the highest impact
towards correcting students misbehavior, teachers self confidence,
teachers to learn more, and EFL teachers teaching skills respectively but
on pupils learning outcomes and commitment among EFL teachers were
the least impacts that teachers gained from CPD activities. Finally, work
load, lack of available course, lack of finance, lack of practical
application and lack of time were the major factors that challenged EFL
teachers in practicing CPD successfully in the school ground. Therefore, in
orcf"er to enlarge the perception of teachers towards CPD; Universities,
CPD developers and educational leaders should work strongly and