Violence against women refugees is the critical social problem of the society in the
perspective of social work which become the central social, economic and health problem.
However, in Ethiopia studies on violence ...
This thesis is about the historical survey of drought and food insecurity in Lay Gayint
Worada since 1974. The study is based on archival material, interment sources, written materials
and documents and on the collection ...
The main objective of this study was identifying the causes of land conflict and resolution
mechanisms in the study area. The research design that the researcher employed was a
qualitative approach particularly case ...
It is pity that many individuals who contributed a lot to their people and country in different
fields are forgotten after their death. In the absence of written records, their contribution could
not be transformed to ...
Now-a- days, the content, use, negative effect of chat has become known.
However, a comprehensive study on the history of chathas not been the focusing
area of researchers. So, this study focuses on the study of the ...
Inter-governmental relations have been around the world ever since countries like
the United States moved from a confederation system to a federal structure.
Although the degree of interaction varied, there was ...
Abstract: Women’s empowerment, gender equality, democracy, and good governance have recently been prominent issues in academic
debates. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play a vital role in filling the gaps in governments ...
Land use conflicts are situations of competition and potential disagreement between two or
more land use types over the use of a scarce resource. This study was carried out to
investigate the land use conflicts and ...
Urban poverty and unemployment have been increasing in several Ethiopian cities. Many
people, particularly the urban women and other impoverished groups of society, were pushed
into various income-generating activities ...
Gojjam is located in northwest Ethiopia, and it has been one of the densely populated areas
of the country, except in the western parts of the province during the period understudy. In
the past, people were severely ...
Gish Abay is the source place of the famous and legendary river, the Blue Nile, there are relatively significant amount of historical data which explain about the river and associated history of the area. However, written ...
The main objective of this study was to explore the post federal government and Tigray rebel conflict reconstruction in Dessie and Kombolcha city administrations. To achieve this objective, the study used a qualitative ...
Historically, but also more recently, various strains of federalism have sought to be valuable
tools for nation-building and managing inter and intra-ethnic conflicts in multiethnic societies.
After the overthrow of the ...
Groundwater is the most valuable natural resource in the world and it is the fundamental source
fresh water, for growth and development of one country. However identifying the groundwater
potential zone is still complex ...
The purpose of this study is to reconstruct a history of highway construction in Gojjam to 1991. The study employed a qualitative research approach in the sense that a large amount of primary and secondary data was collected ...
This study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of single parenting on female adolescents’ self-esteem with particular reference to Belay Zeleke sub-city in Bahir Dar city. In so doing, it posed four research questions ...
The main purpose of this research was to understand the lived experience of women hydro
massage therapist in the case of Addis Ababa, particularly in bole and yeka sub cities
administration through qualitative phenomenology ...
Pastoralist women invariably engaged in triple gender roles but their growing recognition as a
valuable and sustainable livelihood manager remained marginalized. Hence, the issues of
pastoralist women become a matter ...
An application of a spatially distributed hydrologic model WetSpa (Water and Energy Transfer
between Soil, Plant and Atmosphere) in Gumara watershed, Ethiopia is presented in this
research. The main objective of the ...
The study assessed the spatial distribution of primary schools, the spatial accessibility of primary schools
to the students and the effects of spatial distribution on students’ academic Performance in Damboya
Woreda, ...