dc.description.abstract |
Faba bean is one of the legume crops used for food, feed and soil fertility improvement. Assessing genetic variability is very important step for the improvement of yield and related traits in faba bean breeding programs. The study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability and trait associations among eighty-one faba bean genotypes in vertisol area at Enwari using a simple lattice design during 2023 main cropping season. The data collected for all traits were subjected to analysis using R software version 4.3.3. Highly significant differences were recorded for days to 50% flowering, days to 90% maturity, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, plant height, plant height of first poding, inter node length, pod length, no. of pod per plant, biomass yield, seed yield, hundred seed weight, hectoliter weight, harvest index, protein content, rust disease severity, chocolate spot disease severity and ascochyta blight disease severity, indicating the presence of considerable variability among genotypes. High values of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variations were recorded for leaf width, leaf area, plant height at first poding, pod length, number of pods per plant, biomass yield, seed yield, hundred seed weight, chocolate spot severity, rust severity and ascochyta blight severity, indicating the presence of adequate variability. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for hundred seed weight, plant height, hectoliter weight, seed yield, days to 90% maturity, biomass yield, leaf length, harvest index, plant height of first poding, rust severity, leaf area, pod length, days to 50% flowering, leaf width, number of pods per plant chocolate spot severity, ascochyta blight severity and internode length, suggesting the possibility of improving through direct selection. Seed yield had strong positive and significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations with biomass yield, harvest index, plant height, leaf area, pod length, hundred seed weight, days to maturity, plant height at first poding and internode length. This indicates, improving these traits may contribute to improvement of yield. Moreover, leaf vi area, biomass yield, harvest index and hundred-seed weight had positive direct effect on seed yield, suggesting possibility of improving seed yield using these traits for indirect selection. The cluster analysis classified the 81 faba bean genotypes into two clusters. Genetic divergence analysis showed significant inter-cluster distance (D 2=51.9) between cluster I and cluster II, indicating the presence of considerable diversity among genotypes. In the principal component analysis, the first five principal components accounted for 81.74% of the total variability. Therefore, crossing genotypes between these clusters for leaf area, biomass yield, seed yield and hundred seed weight traits improvement could result better genetic recombinant. However, it is important to emphasize that the results and conclusions made are based on data obtained from a one-year field evaluation at a single location. Therefore, evaluation of a greater number of accessions in multiple environments would be necessary in order to get comprehensive results and draw valid conclusions and recommendations. |
en_US |