Background: Food taboo is any consideration of food items by the society as improper or unacceptable that arises mainly based on religious, cultural, historical and social principles. Developing countries are burdened with the ‘triple burden of malnutrition’ encompasses the three dimensions of under nutrition (wasting, stunting & underweight), micronutrient deficiencies and over nutrition. Food taboos have great effect on pregnant women through prohibited essential food and/or drinks. It is transferred from generation to generation and has negative effect on pregnant mothers' health. Due to lack of a single study conducted in food taboos practice among pregnant women at Bahir Dar City. This was the reason for the researcher which initiates her to conduct a research on the issue to fill the gap. Objective: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of food taboo practice and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at public health facilities in Bahir Dar city 2020. Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 421 pregnant women who were attending antenatal care clinics. Participants were selected using stratified sampling technique and interviewer administrative questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was entered into epi-info software version 7.1 and exported SPSS version.23 for analysis. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify predictors of food taboo. Results: The prevalence of food taboo practice among pregnant women at Bahir Dar city was 27.5%. Avoided food items during pregnancy were meat, honey, milk, fruit and cereals. Reasons mentioned for avoidance of this food items were plastered on the fetal head, and making fatty baby which is difficult for deliver. Age of the mother is 20-30 years (AOR=8.39, 95% CI: 3.49-20.14). More than 30 years [AOR=10.56, 95% CI: (2.00, 51.74)], more than 2 parity [AOR=9.83 95% CI: (2.79, 34.70)], no previous experience of ANC visit [AOR=2.68, 95% CI: (1.26, 5.73)], and no information about nutrition during pregnancy [AOR=4.55, 95% CI: (1.77, 11.70)] were significantly associated with practice of food taboo during pregnancy. Conclusion: The result of this study revealed that high proportion of food taboo exists during pregnancy in the study area. This could be improved by strengthening the nutrition counseling components of antenatal care follow-up. Recommendation: Bahir Dar city health zone should mobilize governmental and non-governmental organizations for concerted efforts to design and implement strategic health communication intended to reorient misconceptions and myths for the pregnant women regarding the food taboo.
Keyword: Antenatal care, food taboo, associated, pregnant woman, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.