Women's Image in Bench Folktales: A Thematic Analysis From A Psycho-Social Feminist Perspective

Show simple item record Solomon, Tesfaye 2023-06-06T06:18:43Z 2023-06-06T06:18:43Z 2012-02
dc.description.abstract In this thesis. an al/empt has been made to examine the images of women in Bench folktales through thematic analysis from psycho-social feminist perspective. A field work method which evolved from ethnographic study was applied to gather folktales from the selected sites of the research area. Having identified potential informants via snow ball and purposive sampling techniques, data were collected through observation and informal interview Then, the collected tales were first transcribed in the source language and then translated into English Finally, after rigorous reading, twenty representative folktales were selected and arranged for the analysis using thematic coding In the analysis. in addition 10 the textual sources, attention has also been paid to the contextual data to mirror the real images of women portrayed in the tales with respect to the social context. In doing so, the vantage points a/feminist critics have been thoroughly applied The findings of the study reveal that women are subordinated to their husbohds, and are [oes of one another. They are also dichotomized as good and bad Yet. they are blamedfor the wrong doings of men and taken as witty and shrewd What is more. the tales explicate that women dream IO liberate themselves from men oppression . Hence. women in Benchfolktales are given inferior positions and both negative positive images in the society To sum up. they are socially. economically. and psychologically overwhelmed by the menfolk en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject English Language and Literature en_US
dc.title Women's Image in Bench Folktales: A Thematic Analysis From A Psycho-Social Feminist Perspective en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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