The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of employees’ performance
appraisal on employees’ job satisfaction with the Moderator of Personality traits: in Bahir Dar
City Administration. During conducting this study the researcher applied explanatory research
design, as well as a quantitative research approach, the population of the study consisted of
employees of selected departments in Bahir Dar City Administration working in Bahir Dar. The
appropriate sample has been drawn by applying stratified random sampling. The primary (from
the respondent) data and secondary data sources were used for this research. A selfadministered
was designed to collect relevant information from the selected 168
respondents. Among these 152 questionnaires were returned and analyzed with the support of
Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) SPSS version 23 and a process micro written by
Dr. Andrew F... The percentage, mean and standard deviation of descriptive analysis were
employed. The inferential analysis including Pearson correlation and multiple linear
regressions was also employed. The study indicated that analysis of the states of employee
performance appraisal in Bahir Dar City Administration was practiced was done using means
and standard deviations at moderate extent which means practice it or it’s applied neutrally
and moderate extent. The correlation result indicated that employee performance appraisal
explains 59.5 % of variation in the level of job satisfaction. And openness to experience
(49.3%), conscientiousness (48.7%), extraversion (34.5%) and agreeableness (44%) explain the
variation in the level of job satisfaction. In addition, the regression result employee
performance appraisal has significant and positive relationship with job satisfaction and that
four BIG FIVE Personality Traits variables have a positive si gni ficant ef f ect on the
relationship b/ n perf ormance apprai sal and job satisfaction.Openness to experiences,
conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are the four moderate factors. Neuroticism
was found to be insignificant effect on the relationship b/n performance appraisal and job
satisfaction. Based on the result concluded that employee performance appraisal system and
personality traits are key elements to promote job satisfaction of Administration
office.Furthermore, the study recommends that Bahir Dar Administration ought to give priority
and enhance its performance appraisal practices and works on employees’ behavior to enhance
BIG FIVE Personal Traits at a higher level.