Wine is an alcoholic beverage produced worldwide dominantly from a grape. In
Ethiopia, the post-harvest loss of agricultural products is tremendous that estimated
from 20-50%. Thus, the objective of this research was to produce wine from different
blending ratios of sugar cane & guava juice, to characterize the product, and to
optimize the process. The design was executed by lower and upper levels of sugar
cane:guava juice blending ratio (BR) of 80%:20% and 60%:40%, fermentation
temperature (T) of (20-30ºC, fermentation time (t) of 7-13 days for both red and white
guava variety. The optimization was carried out using Optimal Custom Design. The
physicochemical, sensory properties, and microbial quality were determined. All
analyses were subjected to ANOVA (analysis of variance) to obtain the significant
difference between the mean values using LSD (p < 0.05) using Minitab version 19.
The raw material grape, sugar cane, red guava, and white guava have ºbrix of (14.0,
20.0, 8.0, and 10.0) pH of (4.18, 5.12, 4.25, and 4.35) vitamin C content of (36.59,
21.19, 219.80 and 256.00mg/100ml) respectively. The total bacteria growth were
ranged from 4.61 to 6.80 log (CFU/ml) where as the yeast and mold were ranged
from 2.43 to 5.90 log (CFU/ml). Optimum process parameters of blending ratio of
60:40 for both guava varieties, fermentation temperature of 26.4ºC &26.1ºC, and
fermentation time of 10.08 & 9.96 days were obtained for sugar cane-red and white
guava blend wine respectively. At this optimum condition titratable acidity, Vitamin
c, total phenol and alcohol content of 0.568% , 24.92 mg/100ml , 3.28 mg/l &
12.3%v/v and 0.566%, 38.02mg/100ml, 3.98mg/l &12.2%v/v were produced for sugar
cane-red and white guava blend wine, respectively. There was a low percentage error
for both sugar cane-red and white guava blend wine. The percentage of error ranged
from 0.7 to 3.2% and 1.4 to 5.4% for sugar cane–red and white guava blend wine
Keywords: Grape, Guava, Postharvest, Sensory Property, Optimization,
Physicochemical Property, Sugar Cane, Wine