Background: A lack of dietary diversity is a severe problem among poor populations in the developing
world including Ethiopia. Diets of most households in the rural areas mainly composed of cereal -based
grains foods with few animal food products (meat), vegetables and fresh fruits. Household dietary
diversity and its determinants in the North Mecha District were not widely studied. This current study
intended to determine the household dietary diversity status and its determinants in the study area.
Objective: To assess household dietary diversity and associated factors among rural households
North Mecha District, North West Ethiopia
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from May 08 to June 08,
2022.Five hundred eighty four rural households with women responsible for preparing meals for
the households were randomly selected to be involved in the study. The nature of the questioner
was structured and 24 H dietary recall method was used. Data were entered and cleaned in Epi
Data software, then transferred and analyzed using SPSS version 26 software. Descriptive
statistics and Binary logistic regression models were used for analyzing quantitative data.
Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression models were used to determine the associated
factors affecting dietary diversity. Odds ratio with95%Confidence Interval was used for measure
of associations between the outcome and explanatory variables.
Results: This study found that of the total study participants, only (35.3%) had adequate dietary
diversity, with confidence interval 95%: (31%-39%). Respondents who participate in off-farm
employment(AOR =8.608, 95% CI: 5.037- 14.708),who have a home gardening (AOR =1.992,
95%CI: 1.413- 3.795) ,who have access to an irrigation (AOR= 5.982, 95%CI: 3.566-10.035),having access to nutrition information (AOR= 3.750, 95%CI: 2.185- 6.438),Participants
having a bank account (AOR= 2.247, 95%CI: 1.353- 3.735),who have a farm production
diversity [AOR= 2.506, 95%CI: 1 .526- 4.115),having ownership of small animals (AOR=
4.512, 95%CI: 2.270- 8.968)were statistically significant association with household dietary
Conclusions and recommendations: Household dietary diversity was low in the study area.
Therefore, sustained nutrition education through local media, promotion of bank accounts for
savings, participation in off-farm employment, encourage availability of home gardening
strategies, expand access to irrigation and rearing certain types of live stocks and production of
crops should be encouraged as major interventions that can improve household dietary diversity.