Background: Inappropriate complementary feeding practice of children aged six to
23 months is a worldwide concern since the period of this stage is a milestone for the
future of the human being. Despite increased efforts, many low- and middle-income
countries including Ethiopia are failing to address this issue. Particularly in Amhara
region, the problem is serious. Therefore, a proper assessment of complementary
feeding practices among the mothers from the different areas in Amhara Region is
needed to identify the gaps in their performance and to find out the influencing factors
for these gaps. Objective: To assess the prevalence and associated factors of
appropriate complementary feeding practice among mothers having children 6–23
months of age, East Belesa district, Northeast Ethiopia. Method: A community-based
cross-sectional study was conducted from May 3 to 22, 2022 in East Belesa district. A
multistage sampling technique was used. A total of 498 mothers having 6-23 months
age children were assessed. Pre-tested structured questionnaires were used. Filled
questionnaires were checked for completeness, cleaned manually, coded, and entered
into EPI info version 3.1software and then transferred to SPSS windows version 23.0
for analysis. Binary logistic regression model was used and the degree of association
between independent and dependent variables was assessed by using odds ratio with a
95% confidence interval. Result: The prevalence of appropriate complementary
feeding practice was 24.7 %; 95% CI (21% - 28%). The main associated factors of
appropriate complementary feeding practice were found to be mother’s education
(AOR=4.004; 95% CI (1.757-9.125), husband’s education (AOR =4.488; 95% CI
(1.770-11.380), residence (AOR = 5.742 95% CI (2.336-14.144), number of ANC
visits (AOR: 2.875 95% CI (1.552-5.325) and place of delivery AOR: 2.63995% CI
(1.008-6.911). Conclusion: In the population of East Belesa district, Ethiopia, the
complementary feeding practice was poor. Educating parents, and enhancing
antenatal visits and health services were recommended. Therefore- special attention
should be given to expanding school services and improving the quality of health
service provision.
Keywords: Complementary feeding practice, Children aged 6–23 months, East
Belesa District