The problem of environmental pollution and health hazards due to inappropriate solid waste disposal is critical in developing countries like Ethiopia, Assosa town is one of the town in
Ethiopia facing from environmental pollution due to lack of appropriate dumping site which leads pollution of surface and ground water and environment in and around dumping area. Therefore, the main objective of this study is selection of suitable site for disposal of solid waste
using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. The data used for this study were ground
point survey (GPS) to collect ground control points, a spatial resolution of (DEM 30m*3om),
satellite map (landsat 8) to generate current LULC of the town, geological and soil map of the
study area and structural map of the study area which was collected from different institutions
and governmental organization. Selection of the most suitable landfill site was determined through the integration of geographic information system (GIS) tools, multi criteria decision
analysis (MCDA) and remote sensing techniques. To select suitable landfill site several parameters were considered such as slope, built up area, , road, surface water, land use/land cover, geology, ground water well and soil. After analysis of suitability of solid waste disposal
site using GIS tools and weighted analysis methods. Suitability map was prepared by overlay analyses on GIS based Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) analysis to select the suitable solid
waste disposal sites and assigned as the value given 1; unsuitable, 2; low suitable 3; moderately suitable and 4; highly suitable were determined.
Waste management system should be improved to protect sensitive environmental components
and to improve life of the community. The collection, storage, transportation and disposal of solid wastes System in Assosa town are inappropriate and unrecognized, and accumulated on open lands and drainage ditches are the main practices and thus providing breeding grounds for disease vectors and create a nuisance and unaesthetic view to the Assosa town.