Food-borne disease remains major health challenge in developing countries. Cross-contamination from raw meat due to poor handling as a result of poor knowledge and practices of meat handlers is major contributing factors for meat borne disease. Adequate knowledge and preventive practice of meat handlers are crucial in limiting the outbreak of food-borne disease and contamination of raw meat. Across-sectional study was carried out in March 2021 in Addis Ababa Abattoir among 224 meat handlers by using structured quaternaries. This study aims to assess the meat safety knowledge, attitude and practice in abattoir and retail meat shop of Addis Ababa town. The result shows that majority of meat handlers were male (78.1%) and most of the respondents were attended secondary education (46.4%) and primary school leaver (38.84%), illiterate 8%, college 7.2% and out of total respondent only 11.6% was taken food safety training. in contrary (88.4%).The result indicated that the food-handlers knowledge 55.46% and safety practices 41.26% which were below acceptable level with the mean score of 11.11±2.33 and 8.1±2.1 respectively. Only few respondent knew about staphylococcus aureus (11.2% correct answer), hepatitis A virus (22.8% correct answer), and E. coli (21.3% correct answer) as food-borne pathogens. About 65% of meat handlers have good attitude about safety of food with mean of total score 13.1±2.2.Almost all respondents were answer correctly questions about meat handling and hand washing but did not translate into strict food hygiene practices. Chi-square analysis testing for the association between knowledge, attitude and practice did not show any significant association. It may be due to food handlers below acceptable level safety practice regardless of socio demographic characterise, knowledge and attitude. Though, there was strong association between level of education and knowledge p= 0.024 and knowledge and age of the respondents p=0.04 .There was also significant association between age and practice p=0.028. There was association between work experience and practices p=0.062 but not statically significant. This study revealed that the overall knowledge, practices, and attitude towards food safety among meat handlers were low. Therefore, the findings of this study proposed that a continuous education and regular training and retraining of the meat handlers on safe meat handling as well as general and personal hygiene are strongly recommended.