dc.description.abstract |
Climate change adaptation is adjustment in ecological, social, or economic systems in
response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts. This study
identifies different perception of farmers, examining different adaptation strategies currently
used by farmers and the determinants that hinder to cop up climate change and variability in
four kebeles of North mecha district. The study incorporates both primary and secondary data
sources. Primary data were collected through structured and semi structured questionnaire
from 138 respondents, focused group discussion, key informant interviews and field
observation selected through stratified random sampling technique based on agro-ecology.
Secondary data were collected from published and unpublished documents and, the Royal
Netherlands Metrological Institute (KNMI) climate explorer 0.5 degree monthly observation.
To analyze the result of the study Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version 21and
excel-2013 were used. Binary logit model was used to see the relationships between
dependent and independent variables and multinomial logit model was used to examine the
determinant factors of adaptation strategy. Based on farmer’s perception the results revealed
significant increasing trend in annual average temperature and decrease annual rainfall
trend as well as a higher rainfall variability. Among the interviewed farmers chi-square test
showed a significant variation in perception to temperature and rainfall between gender,
educational status and farming experience. The binary model results revealed that the main
adaptation strategies of farmers include soil and water conservation, use improved variety,
planting tree & agroforestry and use irrigation & water harvesting. Multinomial logit model
revealed determinant factors such as, gender, age, family size, educational status, farming
experience, access to extension service, access to climate information, lack of infra-structure,
farm land size and financial problem which has a positive and negative impact on different
adaptation strategies used by farmers in the district.
Key Words: Perception, adaptation strategies, determinant factor, Climate Change, climate
Variability, North Mecha |
en_US |