Climate change is expected to increase weather variability and incidences of extreme events, which will have an impact on
livelihoods and wellbeing. This study was intended to assess the role of livestock diversification ...
Identifying erosion hot-spot areas of a watershed/basin and isolating best management practices (BMPs) for erosion-prone sub-watersheds is imperative for effective soil loss reduction and lessening its on-site and off-site ...
Land use land cover (LULC) changes is among the major environmental challenges in the globe. This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological processes of the Upper Gilgel ...
Ethiopia is a resourceful and densely populated country often hit by drought and flood disasters that cause great damage to life and property every year. The frequency and intensity of extreme events have increased ...
Understanding the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) change on soil erosion and sedimentation is highly important for land resource management. This study was intended to investigate the impact of LULC changes on soil ...
Climate change and soil erosion are major environmental challenge in the world,
which affects societies at whole. The objective of the study was to assess the status of
climate change, impact of future change in climate ...
Projection of future climate changes is critical for long-term planning at the national and regional level aimed at adaptation and mitigation. This study assesses the future changes in precipitation and near-surface air ...
Wag Himra administrative zone in general; Gazgibla district, in particular, was known for the excessive degradation of natural resources and recurrent drought. Soil and water conservation practices were exhaustively ...
This study was conducted on Assabila community forest in South Achefer District, West
Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia to determine woody plant species diversity, structure and evaluates
forest cover change of the community forest. ...
Different land use systems and altitude variation have different potentials to change soil physicochemical properties either positively or negatively. The study aimed to investigate the dynamics of soil organic carbon and ...
Climate change is expected to increase weather variability and incidences of extreme events, which will have an impact on
livelihoods and wellbeing. This study was intended to assess the role of livestock diversification ...
Identifying erosion hot-spot areas of a watershed/basin and isolating best management practices (BMPs) for erosion-prone sub-watersheds is imperative for effective soil loss reduction and lessening its on-site and off-site ...
Land use land cover (LULC) changes is among the major environmental challenges in the globe. This study aimed to evaluate the impacts of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological processes of the Upper Gilgel ...
Ethiopia is a resourceful and densely populated country often hit by drought and flood disasters that cause great damage to life and property every year. The frequency and intensity of extreme events have increased ...
Understanding the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) change on soil erosion and sedimentation is highly important for land resource management. This study was intended to investigate the impact of LULC changes on soil ...
Climate change and soil erosion are major environmental challenge in the world,
which affects societies at whole. The objective of the study was to assess the status of
climate change, impact of future change in climate ...
Projection of future climate changes is critical for long-term planning at the national and regional level aimed at adaptation and mitigation. This study assesses the future changes in precipitation and near-surface air ...
Wag Himra administrative zone in general; Gazgibla district, in particular, was known for the excessive degradation of natural resources and recurrent drought. Soil and water conservation practices were exhaustively ...
This study was conducted on Assabila community forest in South Achefer District, West
Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia to determine woody plant species diversity, structure and evaluates
forest cover change of the community forest. ...
Different land use systems and altitude variation have different potentials to change soil physicochemical properties either positively or negatively. The study aimed to investigate the dynamics of soil organic carbon and ...
Unsafe industrial and domestic waste disposal causes surface water contamination and
different health problems in many developing countries like Ethiopia. To tackle the pollution
problem research based mitigation method ...
All types of waste and open disposal of waste can cause environmental degradation by
introducing different toxicants including heavy metals. There is lack of comprehensive and
detailed studies about the concentration of ...
Tree plantations can be a potential path for coupling climate change mitigation and economic
development by providing C sequestration and supplying wood products to meet domestic and
market requirements at the same time.. ...
Land use/cover change dynamics influences many aspects of the natural environment. It’s shifting
patterns as a component of many existing climate change problems has been gaining recognition as
key cause and consequences ...
Land use/cover change dynamics influences many aspects of the natural environment. It’s shifting
patterns as a component of many existing climate change problems has been gaining recognition as
key cause and consequences ...
The fact that climate has been changing in the past and it continues to change in the future implies the need to understand how farmers perceive and adapt climate change to guide strategies for adaptation in the future. ...
Climate change is one of the challenges facing the world today, particularly the developing
countries which have low adaptive capacity. Ethiopia is one of these countries increasingly
affected by climate change and the ...
The agricultural sector remains the main source of livelihoods for rural communities in
Ethiopia. However, the climate which has remained relatively static for years has now
become very dynamic and unpredictable and has ...
Agroforestry is a climate-smart production system that sustainably diversifies environmental and socio-economic benefits to subsistence farmers, and is therefore considered more resilient than other agricultural systems. ...
Climate change adaptation is adjustment in ecological, social, or economic systems in
response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts. This study
identifies different perception of farmers, ...