dc.description.abstract |
Key words: Food security, Implementation, Graduation, Logit model, Sekota Woreda
The research was undertaken in order to come up with policy recommendations regarding implementation of the productive safety net program under going in Sekota Woreda, Waghimra zone. It had two objectives: To assess the implementation of the productive safety net program and to identify the factors that affect household’s productive safety net program graduation. Primary and secondary data types used for analysis and descriptive statistics and econometric model called logit were used as analysis techniques to analyze the data. The highlights of the result are the beneficiaries of the program feels that the implementation and the graduation procedures are filled with irregularities. The non-graduates feels that the graduates are not food self-sufficient. In addition, all of the graduates have appealed to the program in that their graduation is not appropriate. And still 83% of respondents said that their produce is not sufficient enough to feed themselves. In terms of capacity building, all agree that the program built their capacity and still the majority (79%) of respondents replied that their livelihood would become bad or worse without the program. The econometric model came up with results of amount of land possessions, access to extension service and experience of food gap influences the probability of graduation from the program, negatively. Variables like Amount of animal wealth, trainings from the program, genuine asset registration and including educational variables influence households’ probability of graduation from the PSNP program, positively. The program got recommendations from this research that it should revise the activities which it is implementing to build farmers capacity and hence fill their food gap. After years of implementation farmers are not food self-sufficient and still there is improper implementation again than should be addressed. |
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