education teachers in practical class in some selected western Gojjam zone higher
education preparatory and secondary schools. The study include 7 schools, 7 school
directors and 3 vice directors, 40 physical education teachers, and 300 students. A
descriptive survey study was used to carry out this research and also four instruments
such as questionnaire, interview, observation, and document analysis were used to gather
the data. The descriptive 'analysis of the data was analyzed by using both qualitative and
quantitative methods. The result of the study clearly showed that there was
communication gap between school directors and teachers, lack of adequate teaching
material, practical class are not lead by lesson plan and students interest towards
physical education practical class was low. To overcome these challenges, the.following
. '
The purpose of this study was to investigate the major challenges of high school physical
recommendations have been forwarded: fill the gap between teachers and principals,
give motivation to students, not lose of daily lesson plan during practical class teaching
and fulfill teaching materials. The study examines the possible challenrt,es teaching
physical education practical class in some selected west Gojjam zone higher education
preparatory and secondary school. The study Interestingly could contribute to a body of
knowledge about factor for teaching physical education practical class