dc.description.abstract |
This study is designed to know the challenges of rural women and their land rights in the
current land administration system in two rural Kebe/es in Farta Woreda of Amhara region
on smallholder farmers' landholding registration. Review of previous work on related topic
revealed that land remained under men's control throughout history and men's control over
land was strengthened by the rural land reform carried out by the past regimes. This tenure
reform applied rural land distribution using households as unit for rural land allocation and
women were disadvantaged as most rural households were headed by men. The research
applied both quantitative and qualitative methods in view of feminist research methodology
to properly address issues from a gender perspective. 356 households were taken as a
representative sample size in the two selected kebelesfrom a population of 3197 households
using probability sampling method to distributing and collecting questionnaires in the
quantitative method,. More over, the qualitative method applied three research
instruments/tools namely: in-depth interviews with relevant experts at Woreda office of
agriculture and Kebele LACs; focus group discussions with rural women: and case stories
for two women selected from both kebeles. Triangulation method is applied in ·data
collection, data presentation and in analysis of findings. The Amhara National Regional
State Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation and its implementation procedure
are examined from a gender perspective in terms "of ensuring rural women 's land rights. It
revealed that the Amhara rural land proclamation is not discriminatory on the basis of sex.
However, policy gaps are constraints in addressing women specific issues such as issues of
FHHs. Study findings also reveal that women's access rights to land is less equal than legally
t;;ovided. This study evidences gaps between policy and implementation. Women's control
over land is not adequately addressed by the regional rural land policy. This is a significant
policy limitation as women 's equal rights on land could not be achieved without gaining
control over land. Moreover, the absence of autonomous women institution is a limitation in
addressing women's issues in the land administration system. The land administration system
in general and the land registration process in particular has not considered women's
contribution and decision-making. Women are not represented in LACs and Sub-Committees
in both Kebe/es. This study also revealed the presence of poor linkages between the rural
land policy and other regional legislations like the regional family law which provides
women's equal rights on land in marriage and during its divorce. The study forwards
recommendations to address the challenges of gender equality identified to ensure women 's
rights to land jn the study area. The Amhara rural land proclamation needs revision from a
gender perspective to address women's specific issues and the land administration system
should consider women's contribution in the process and their equal benefits from policy
outcomes. Establishing strong rural women's association, Carrying out advocacy and
awareness creation programmes to change community attitudes and practices as well as
adapting best practices and experiences sharing from other well implemented regions are the
implications of the study. |
en_US |